Aug. 18th, 2013


[No Subject]

Hi guys! My name's Demi and I'm putting in apps for this guy here and his twin sister [info]dodgeballdodger. Their names are Archer and Dodger, they're pixies, are librarians, and DJ at any place that will take them. I put info in the apps about pixie if you wanna look at it. They've been in Densville for about six months, so they're probably mostly known for their odd ball looks and hobbies. Feel free to hit me up on this post or in their ooc contact post if you feel like maybe they can fit a line or something!

Jul. 18th, 2013



[No Subject]

Hello, my name is Julia, and I bring you a vampire Deacon Lucas Hale. Deacon's a Southern boy, and he is a vampire that tries not to kill humans. He tries not to drink from humans if he can help it. Only willing ones. He has thought of siring someone, especially because he can't have children. He plays guitar and sings, so he could perform somewhere for people to come and see him, and meet that way. Deacon is open to love, really, he's not against being with someone male or female. Just whatever happens, whomever he decides to fall for. He's been in Densville since 1986, and he has been a vampire since 1859, and he was turned when he was 21. I look forward to plotting with everyone! XD.

Jun. 1st, 2013



[No Subject]

Hey there so Eve will be looking for someone to work at The Witching Hour if anyone needs work. Additionally she's going to need some friends and people to interact with. So if you're interested please drop me a comment here or a line on my journal.

May. 13th, 2013


[No Subject]

Leanna again. So anyone need a ghost type with powers of eletricty? (Is that me or does that sound Pokemon-ish?) She's been in Densville for a while so we can assume that she has friend, enemies and an ex or two. She can have a temper from time to time but those are rare and any real tantrum probably involved one of her students and their idiot parent. She would get a long with almost anyone, including exes. Oh and she can and does drink alcohol like water.

May. 10th, 2013



[No Subject]

I'M BAAAAACK!!! Man I'm tired of living like I'm stuck in the 90's. The music was good but the technology SUCKED. Yea so anyways... Anyone need a human for any line? Friends, ex's anything. Hit me up. Let's get back on track. So to update, Clair here is a human but her best friends is a vamp and a werebear. She's either fearless or stupid and probably both. She likes to drink, not much for partying. She is head of human relations, meaning if your someone who doesn't have a bad time with the sun or moon, Clair is the one that you come to. (Right now she is in charge of gifted humans as that guy is MIA at the moment.) Like I said she's human so she has their weaknesses. If you got something rolling around in your head let me know, I can work with any idea.

May. 6th, 2013


Hey wonderful mod ladiesssss,

will you add Elijah and Maeve so that they can do scenes, write an intro, etc. I can't do adds with them because they aren't added on things yet :(

thank yoooooooooooooooou :D

May. 5th, 2013



[No Subject]

Okay, this might be a far cry here only because I know you all have so many great muses already but I was just going to inquire here before anywhere else about someone picking up a line for Cora? It would be her only ex boyfriend, Bryce, whom she dated in high school. He is also her.. creator..? So he'd be a were bear, berserker, just like her (obviously). There's some details about him in her journal but I can also take questions here.

May. 4th, 2013



[No Subject]

reny again and this is my last character. seriously. don't let me bring in any more.

this is damien. he's a fallen angel. he used to be an angel of death, but now he's just a dude who can't die. he travels the earth with his brother elijah, and they go around sort of being badasses and killing people, usually under the pretext of some war but not always. they are basically the brothers from boondock saints mixed with loki and bartleby in dogma plus wolverine and sabertooth at the beginning of the xmen origins movie everyone hated. yup.

uhmm.... yeah, damien here has a love interest thing, though that's going to take a minute, but he needs friends and a job. he's good at making drinks, cutting things, and starting fights. :]

Apr. 29th, 2013


Hello, my beautiful darlings!

It's Amber again (I know, like I don't have enough babies) but this time I bring you Maeve (once she is accepted).
She has been apart of my role playing existence since I began.
Anyways, she is the bastard child of Elizabeth Bathory (search Elizabeth if you haven't heard of her). Maeve here is 431 years old from the small town of Čachtice in Slovakia. She was turned at a young age and has been traveling ever since. The 1920's, 1940's and 1950's were her favorite eras, which is how she got in to burlesque dancer though she had started out as a flapper girl. She is a lover of art and culture.
Also, fun fact, she is the one who turned out friend Viktor :) He is the reason that she is a widow, having murdered her husband. He's been forgiven because her husband was not the greatest person. Also! She is a dear, old friend of Phoenix.

Hm. She has been in Kentucky for a while, is rather nice and tends to fall in love easily. She's easy on the eyes and a hell of a dancer.
She is in need of some lines!

Also, Reny and I are in the talks of bringing in two brother fallen angels.
Any help with those backgrounds would be splendid!

I love you all. mwuah!

Apr. 28th, 2013


[No Subject]

Hey everyone, I'm Dis, and some of you might know me. Anyway, if all goes to plan I might be bringing in a few characters. Two of them have apps submitted, and the other two are blank slates.

First up is this guy here. He's a demon/fallen angel; his name is Malphas; but he goes by the name of Kaden Archer. His story in a tldr nutshell goes as so; one day after having to watch the human race acting stupid, Malphas (and his twin bro, Halphas) threw their hands up like they just don't care in disgust, and said, "screw the human race!"

Malphas can transform into a raven, and/or crow at will. He is an architect, and he can kind of be an asshat at times.

The next one is another demon by the name of Andras (Andrea Malstrom)[info]killerofman PB Charlize Theron. Her story in a tldr nutshell is this; for some reason she fell from Heaven, found herself in what would be known as Briton; was worshipped as a goddess; and then eventually Romans took over, and Andras(te) nearly died Because she's actually Tinker Bell, and requires belief to exist But, she was saved, bla bla bla, stuff happened, and now she hates humans. She has been known to kill those who have summoned her, because they stepped out of the protective circle.

Andras currently works as an exterminator, and lives with her Hell hound.

Finally (I said four, but really I meant three) I also plan on bringing in a vampire PB Jon Kortajarena. So far all I know is that he's going to be well over 500 years old, has worked several odd jobs throughout his life, and can be rather unpredictable. If anyone needs a sire line, or heck, any kind of line would be awesome.

Apr. 25th, 2013


[No Subject]

Hello all, I'm Ra and I'm currently building a character that I hope shall soon be a part of this wonderful looking community. This here is my Infernal Dragon, Tsuyoshi - though he'll mostly be referred to as Aiden, unless your character is particularly close to him. He's 875 years old, though in his human form he looks around his late 30's or thereabouts. While he is dedicated to Hell and is the 'loyal steed' to another character coming in, he's also one to follow his own direction at times. While he is what most would call 'evil to the core', there's far more to his personality than what many might think a Dragon of Hell could have to them. Tsuyoshi/Aiden will also be very playful, sometimes kindhearted (depending on if he's attracted to the character or not), and can make a very loyal friend when his heart gets caught up in the relationship. While that might not always be the case while in game, I do hope that he'll be a lot of fun for everyone to interact with. Your characters will be able to find him working the bar at a burlesque club called 'the Celestial Realm', and he will certainly be good at his job. I'm hoping for any lines y'all might want to throw at me for him? He's bisexual, single, and always looking for a good time.



[No Subject]

Jess here with three (3!) new characters in need of lines!

First, this is Delilah. Twenty-four, she lives on her own with her pug Humphrey, and works as a museum curator/community art teacher; she also paints. Former party girl, she's really calmed down since going off to college and living on her own, though she still smokes heavily at times, having replaced cocaine and alcohol with marijuana as her drug of choice. She's promised to Phoenix eventually, since the two have a rather tangled past, but she's in need of any other lines.

Next, Calliope Huhn. 24, witch, book store clerk by day and burlesque dancer by night. Total wild child, she's a crass feminist with a sarcastic attitude and brains to make any man melt. She's witty and intelligent, and though she's never anything short of bluntly honest, she's extremely friendly, and outgoing. She's promised to Phil VanGaalen, but everything else is totally open!

Lastly, Augustus Anthes, vampire. Born in the early 1990s, he immigrated to the U.S. with his family, and was sired in his early twenties. He left his wife and children for their safety, but tortured himself by watching them lose their mortality. He tends to avoid humans, disliking attaching to anything that can die so easily. He is completely open for lines!




[No Subject]

So, this is Jessica with my first character. His name is Colt Zello, and he's a human whose best friend just so happens to be a werewolf. Originally from Chicago, Colt is a recovering alcoholic who moved to Densville with his best friend Phil after a bout in rehab (which Phil push him into). He's a happy-go-lucky, always friendly Italian; loud, outgoing, and always has a smile on his face. Colt's the kind of guy who goes out of his way to keep his friends happy and smiling.

Other than a best friend, I have nothing for this guy. He's bisexual, and a total flirst, so guys and girls are welcome! Looking for any lines.

[No Subject]

Hey guys! Erika here, looking for some lines for Phil. Chicago born and raised, he and his friend run a martial arts studio in town. He's a werewolf. He has a best friend/roommate, and an eventual lover, but he's open for anything else!

Apr. 12th, 2013


[No Subject]

It's Ash with her second char!

Harper here was going to be a faerie, but at the last minute I decided to make her a demon. Harper is vain as hell and very much into using makeup and sexy outfits to have her way with men and women - she doesn't discriminate. Appears to be around 21 years old thanks to the body she's currently possessing and have been for about twenty years now, too lazy to find a new one and hey, it's a pretty body, why change it if it's not broken? Unwillingly uses human electronics, doesn't hesitate to cuss them out or Siri out if she pisses her off, which is often. OH! She's also a pediatric nurse, not because she loves children, but because their minds are so weak and fragile at the moment that it doesn't take much to mold them to the dark side. Muhahaha!

Apr. 11th, 2013


[No Subject]

Hey guys. It's Mimi, all back and ready to play! I was sick so I missed all the excitement. Anyways, lets get down to it. This would be Astashia Sabayle, Fane is her daddy and Aurelia is her (long lost) twin sister. She's been following her dad from place to place because she doesn't want to leave her dad alone, and she has never asked what he's searching for. Usually she will pick a job that is completely uninteresting just for the simple fact that she might have to pick up and go.

She needs friends, interests, enemies, frenemies, a better job.. Hit me with all you've got. She doesn't have an aim yet but I'm sure that'll happen soon.

Apr. 8th, 2013



[No Subject]

hey guys, i'm dee and apping this lovely lady tonight! this is corissa grey, little sister of [info]mrcturner. She's 24, and a bit of a homebody. She is outgoing, fun and can be a bit spunky. She's extremely independent and doesn't let a lot of people close to her. She's got some baggage. She's a big bookworm and animals is her passion. She works at a local vet clinic, as a technician. She likes working close with animals and wants to get some land so she can train animals. All her info is here!! oh and she's a human. and she needs everything. haha, i'd love to get a best friend, friends in general, clients at the clinic, and maybe a were that's slightly interested in her, or vice versa. i'll take anything and everything!

[No Subject]

It's Brit again and this lovely lady is Callista Maire Caroline Davalos, and yes that is a mouth full.

Callista is the girl in high school that you wanted to punch in the face. Just the thought of her name makes you angry. Lis is the type of girl who thought she was better then everyone else and isn't afraid to say it. She's always spoke her mind and never apologizes for what's on her mind. Head-strong isn't the word I'd used to describe her either. Some of the most common words people use are, brat, spoiled, bitch, snob, and the list goes on and on. She's vain and annoying and there isn't an inch of kindness in her. Oh and she's a vampire, which means she's even more vain about her looks because she can't age. Her theme song would be Vanity by Christina Aguilera. Her complete biography is located here.

For Lis I would honestly adore someone that purposely pushes her buttons. Someone who isn't afraid of verbal whiplash, because she's a sass box. While Lis doesn't believe that people, or vampires in her case, can change. I'm also looking for that one person who's going to influence her in a good way, but it will be a lot of work. I'm open to all lines, as always. :)

edit, I'm also looking for her sire, who's honestly a softer version of her. Male or Female!

Apr. 2nd, 2013



[No Subject]

Sorry for being so far behind. Family things, good run of bad luck... You know how it gets. I am Leanna and I am the other mod. Riley is a night girl, rarely sleeps. She heads up the vampire side of thing in the town. She is no nonsense. She is quite bitter about being turned and has been known to take it out on vampires that have broken her laws. Her most extreme form of punishment (Which is saved for the vampires that kill the other's, especially turning humans against their will) is to tie up the offending vampire on the east side of town to a tree and let the sun take care of them. If the offender is lucky it will be a sunny day and he will die off quickly. But this is Kentucky and if there is a lot of cloud cover they can and will linger there for days.
She does have a soft side, though. Every once in a while her old human side will make an appearance. She doesn't drink much. And has never actually bit a human to feed. All the human blood she intakes has come from donations made by humans and sustains herself on animal blood as much as she can. She has a young daughter and is guardian of her nephews but is rarely seen with them. They are cared for by her mother and only those closest to her will know about them. This is for their own protection because those who favor the old ways may use them to get to her.
She is hard to get to know but fiercely loyal and protective of those who she cares about. Her friends mean everything to her. On full moons Riley will watch over Cora and keep her from doing something that Cora may regret the next day.

Feel free to IM me at any time. During the days I am usually on my phone, but can get to a PC to do scenes or anything else. I don't mind being bothered by IMs in both out and in character at any time. I am here to make the game enjoyable so never feel like you are bothering me. If you have an issue I'm more then willing to help all parties come up with a way to deal with it but we can't do that if you don't come to me or Brook. My AIM is on at all hours and if I am busy or asleep the notification sound will not bother me. I signed up for this knowing that my duties as a mod will know no hours. But I ask that you please be paient with me and understand that I may not answer immediately, or even soon. But I promise that I will answer you eventually and as soon as I can give you the attention and respect that you deserve. It's my personal goal to make the game as enjoyable as I can for everyone.



[No Subject]

Okay so.. I'm Gabby, this is Clair. She is the one that if you have problems and you are human she will help you. She loves to drink, but not really the partying kind. At the moment anything goes. She lives on the poor side of town in her mother's old house. It's run down on the outside but very nice and fixed up on the inside. Most of her time is spent at her shop, Townhall or the local bar. Feel free to contact me/her in both OOC and IC so we can get something started.