Densville IC Community

August 2013


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Mar. 30th, 2013


[No Subject]

Another sleepless night for me so I'm headed for my favorite fishing hole! I'm a native of Densville so I have my favorite places in this town, none that I ever share with anyone except maybe Caleb, if I feel like it and if he's being nice for once.

I'm Teeghan or Teeg, never Tee. I am not the little stick you put a golf ball on or something young children hit a ball from. Twenty two and a deputy in this town, but I kind of suck at my job and let people get away with murder - not literally!

What's your favorite thing about Densville if you have one?

[No Subject]

Hello my lovely neighbors.

The name is Lacey Harvey and I am your local bartender serving rounds and rounds of alcohol until the sun comes up. Maybe you've heard of my bar, it's called 'The Howling'. All of you are welcome to come in, that's unless you're underage.

So, let's see....about myself. I'm your typical woman, I like to go on long walks, have intimate conversation and dance my ass off until I can't feel my legs. I can drink you and your friends under the table while wearing stilettos and make a mean drink of your choice.

So, any questions or concerns? I would love to see you at the bar. Come chat me up. I like company.

[No Subject]

I'm going to try and make this quick because Dean is running around pretending to be Batman and I don't want him jumping off of his bed again. He hasn't exactly perfected the tuck-and-roll, but that's because my baby boy is only four.

Anyways, Hello! My name is Marilyn. I like coffee, wine, my sexy husband, my son, art and baked goods.

Anyways, I'm looking for a new cashier and barista for my cafe and also a babysitter for Saturday nights. Anyone looking for anything, even part-time?

Hello, beautiful world.

The name is Lux and I've been here my entire life. I was born here, I was raised here and I will probably die here. The point I'm making is that I've more than likely met you before or we are best friends. Whatever the case may be, it is still a pleasure to meet you.

I work at the local Exotic Spice and Tea shop that is run by my Gram's and I live in the apartment above the shop. My partner in crime, Kai, lives above there with me. Fuck with my best friend Kai and you'll wish you had never come into this town.

Anyways, I think a party is in order in the woods this week. What do you guys say?