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[11 Jan 2008|09:12pm]
Hey there, awesome possums. :) I plan on applying to the game soon with this character, a human named Louisah. I've actually got a mostly-done bio up for her, but the bare bones of it is that she was raised in pagan religion and brought up to be a priestess, but she's now doubting her theology. So your run-of-the-mill, happy go lucky 25-year-old. (Please to note light irony. HANYWAY.) Her main personality traits are her intellectuality and her general naiveté.

... I suppose that's it, except for my plea for storylines. I have some premade ones here, but don't feel limited by them please. :) I can be reached at louisah may not for discussion, or just comment wherever.
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[ viewing | January 11th, 2008 ]
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