Tuesday, December 30th, 2014

Midnight Masquerade (open to all)


Midnight Masquerade )
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Sunday, December 28th, 2014

Acquiring Information (tag: Zelos)

Texas was not a state in America that Hera was overly fond of. It was populated by loud, boorish, overly-friendly, incredibly belligerent, extremely independent people. The only attribute Hera approved of in that list was the last one, and in combination with the rest it became as much a detriment as the others. However, it was, unfortunately, the home of the best peafowl hatchery that she'd been able to find in years.

As an excuse to follow through on her suggestion to Zeus that she speak with Zelos about his brother, it was not as terrible as it might appear, besides having to spend time in Texas )
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Thursday, September 11th, 2014

Bored, Bored, Bored (Dionysos)

There was nothing to do. No crisis to avert. No family member in danger. No girl to hide from Hera. Nothing. Zelos was not overly fond of having nothing to do. It gave him too much time to dwell in his own head. That always had the possibility of going badly.

Rivalry went to the throne room, hoping that Zeus was there and had some assignment for him. No such luck. The room was empty/ )
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Thursday, October 31st, 2013

Thirsty Thursday Halloween Bash! - [open to anyone that wants to!]

The place was packed, which was how it was supposed to be. There were costumes everywhere... also exactly how it was supposed to be. Because it was Halloween. It was also Chicago and Americans went all crazy for the holiday. On top of that, it was Thirsty Thursday, something everyone in the American Midwest was familiar with. Professional drinkers, this lot, and Ninkasi loved them for it. Most of the costumed were immortal in some way, not just gods but nymphs and the like as well, but she was clearly allowing an occasional mortal in as well. There were rules outside to her bouncers for screening them properly.

Shortly, the specialty taps would be opened and her private brews would begin to flow. Which is what, she was sure, Kratos was hoping and/or waiting for. Wherever he was. )
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Saturday, February 2nd, 2013

Hello, Children [tag: Kratos - open to all Styxlings]

It was time.

There was a certain something... a complete and utter peace to be found when an everlasting being went back into their most pure and primal state. For some gods, that was leaving Corpus and entering Concept. Sometimes it was an extended stay in Concept. For Styx, Concept was used more or less as a manner of transportation, not respite. When she wanted to be her pure essence, she melded with with her waters. She was, after all, her river. But even when she was physically separate from it, she was still her river at the core.

As Hate emerged from the water, taking form anew, and stepping up the slipway into her bedroom; Styx knew exactly what she was doing and where she was going. She didn't do things without purpose. At least not as a general rule. )
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Thursday, December 20th, 2012


It was rare this time of year that he was able to sit down and put his feet up on the tasseled hassock in his study. Which was why, as he settled into the cushy plumpness of his red velvet chair, Santa began mentally reviewing his to-do list for today. Did he really have time to enjoy his peppermint hot cocoa, or had he forgotten something that would require his attention?

The List )
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Friday, October 5th, 2012

Ninkasi's Mixer (EVERYONE)

Welcome to La Isla de Ninkasi )
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Friday, June 29th, 2012

Important Business (tag: Zeus)

Zelos loved his job. Most of it, anyway. He was bodyguard and sometime assistant to the king of the gods. He was in a trusted position among the Greek pantheon. He always thought that it was remarkable that Zeus had taken in the children of one of his enemies and not only gave them a home, but trusted them with his life. He doubted any other king would be as generous.

They weren’t there as hostages, either. He had heard that some kings did that. After wars, they would keep the children of former foes in their household to ensure peace remained. But their father had been killed in the Titanomachy so there was no fear of him ever causing trouble for Zeus again.

Then there was the paperwork... )
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Monday, March 5th, 2012

Heavy Petting (tag: Zelos)

It wasn't the warmest day the town of Barton, Vermont had ever seen at the beginning of March, but it wasn't the coldest either. It fell somewhere in the middle, cold enough that a hat and mittens were appreciated, but warm enough that a body didn't have to bundle up like an eskimo to be outside. If she was moving around, it probably wouldn't feel quite as chilly either, but Rosmerta was staying planted exactly where she was.

In a little town, outsiders could stand out. )
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