Mon, Apr. 1st, 2013, 03:15 am
[info]dhorrible_mod: Sloppy Seconds Fest Prompts

Sloppy Seconds Fest
Banner by [info]featherxquill, based on art by [info]akatnamedeaster
If you’d like to promote the fest, copy and paste this into your journal:

Okay, step one: post all the Snapey prompts.

Here they are, Dysfuncentine’s sloppy seconds. We have five het prompts, five slash prompts, and a handful of open-ended prompts, so there should be a little something for everyone.

Don't see the pairing you want? Remember that we'll give out the open prompts as many times as people request them for a new pairing, so don't feel left out because you don't see your favorite Snape/Aunt Muriel, Snape/Mundungus, Snape/Dobby, or Snape/Voldemort/Alecto/Nagini - you can play, too. (In fact, please do.)

Het and slash prompts will each be given out twice, and, if by some miracle all the slots on those are taken, we'll open up another slot so a third round of people can play. (Note to self: Next time we run this fest, come up with a less suggestive wording.)

So read through these and get inspired, because prompt claiming starts (very late at night) on April 2!

These are available for claiming an infinite number of times, so long as the pairing you claim it for has not been claimed before.
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These are each available for claiming twice, and will be crossed off when claimed.
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These are each available for claiming twice, and will be crossed off when claimed.
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Tue, Aug. 7th, 2012, 03:18 pm
[info]caecelia_: Prompts listed by category

Prompt-claiming is open for [info]deeply_horrible's challenge to Bring Back the Bastard until August 12th! @DW, @LJ and @IJ. Prompts are going faster than I anticipated, but we still have a number of fabulous prompts available: gen/friendship, rarepairs, big three pairings (Snarry, Snermione, Snupin) and open-ended het and slash pairings.

I know how daunting the list can seem (194 prompts in total!), so in an attempt to create some overview, I've organised all of the (as yet) unclaimed prompts into categories:

- Specific Pairings &
- Gen, Friendship, Open.

The lists are hosted at dreamwidth for technical reasons. Prompts will be crossed off as they are claimed, same as at the master list.

Given the length and complexity of the list, it is inevitable that I have overlooked something. Please comment here if you see something I have missed. Thanks in advance!