Wednesday, August 4th, 2010

[Week Fourteen] Thursday Night/Friday Morning


Who: Gunnar Drake [Open to the Drake Family]
When: Week Fourteen; Thursday Night-Friday morning just before dawn.
Where: The Drake Manor in Sanguis
What: The royal consort drags himself back home after spending some time away. He looks none the worse for wear, but mentally, where's his head?
Ratings & Warnings: PG-13 for now. May change, he is a married man after all.

The Warrior Returning Alive )
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Sunday, April 25th, 2010

Never A Moments Peace

Who: Liam Montrose, Alekto, OPEN
When: Week 13: Friday; 10 am.
Where: Sanguis: Liam’s townhouse
What: Anything
Rating & Warnings: PG 

Sweet dreams are made of this Who am I to disagree )

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Tuesday, February 2nd, 2010

WEEK ELEVEN | Thursday // Nex & Alekto

Who: Nex & Alekto
NPCs: Random Sins, I suppose.
When: Week Eleven: Thursday; Afternoon.
Where: Mine Town: Nex's Manor
What: Thinking about Alekto and going to see her.
Rating & Warnings: PG

Alekto, on the other hand, he wasn't sure about. )
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Monday, January 18th, 2010

Who: Alekto Thanatos. (Closed.)
When: Week ten, early Thursday evening.
Where: Silver City.
What: Alekto goes on an errand for one of her spirits, or so she is led to believe.
Rating & Warnings:G

Everything and everyone can kill me. I just don't worry about it as much as you seem to. )
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Saturday, December 12th, 2009

Who: Gideon Blackthorne (open if a Blackthorne might be interested, otherwise it's a solo)
NPCs: Girls working at the Royale Flush.
When: Week nine, Thursday night.
Where: Royale Flush, Lybvian.
What: Gideon on an usual night out.
Rating & Warnings: R?

It was just another way of withdrawing from life in general. Protection. Safety. It was what he needed. )
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Thursday, December 10th, 2009

Week Nine | Thursday // Damon

Who: Damon Blackthorne [Can be OPEN; Otherwise it's a solo]
NPCs: Tin Star Employees; Bodyguards
When: Week Nine: Thursday; Noon-ish
Where: Silver City: Tin Star and then a small cafe close to the place.
What: Damon has finally left the house and decides to go check on the one business he actually cares about: Tin Star.
Rating & Warnings: PG

It did Damon a lot of damn good to try to lecture his brothers on the perils of mental instability when he hadn't left their home in literally months. )
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Friday, November 6th, 2009

Who: Alekto Thanatos.
When: Week seven, Thursday evening.
Where: Sanguis.
What: Alekto tries to get some advice.
Rating & Warnings: PG-13?

mall statues of bone silently stood side by side and were crudely made representations of her ancestors, patiently sculpted with her magic out of her own bone shards that she had harvested from her own body. )
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Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009


Who: Nicolette Drake; OPEN to Micah, Connor, Daina, and Elodie.
NPCs: Other random palace folk.
When: Week Five: Thursday Night
Where: Silver City: The Palace
What: Nicolette is meeting with the representatives of her cities, meeting the new Alpha Female, and, hopefully, introducing her youngest daughter as the new Regent of Sanguis.
Rating & Warnings: PG

It was not abnormal for a queen to meet with her representatives. )
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Friday, September 4th, 2009

Week Five: Thursday Night

Who: Marshall Max Brigham, Deputy Eamon Darklove
NPCs: other deputy trainees; generic criminal types in Lybvian
When: Week Five, Thursday Night
Where: Lybvian
What: A small den of criminals in Lybvian give the Gunslingers more trouble than they bargained for.
Rating & Warnings: R for language and violence

Okay, that's it, I'm tired of this crap. )
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Wednesday, August 12th, 2009

Week Three | Thursday // Invidia & Gula

Who: Invidia & Gula.
When: Week Three: Thursday; Evening
Where: Silver City: A pet shop.
What: After moving her things to Silver City in order to get herself closer to those she is assigned to target, Invidia thinks about getting herself a pet to keep her company.
Rating & Warnings: G

Was he trying to push her into becoming something even more than human? )
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Monday, December 15th, 2008

Welcome & Tag List;

{ Welcome to Deceptive Perception. }

Deceptive perception is a game unlike most games out there today. The players are encouraged to remain anonymous while playing in order to suspend reality even more than normal. This also encourages those who might not ever meet or know each other to play together and, eventually, want to know each other. Think of this game as a place to let go of any preconceptions about anyone you may have ever met online and just play with the characters that are set out before you.

This asylum, [info]deceptpercep, is the main community where all the present day action will be taking place - whether it be threads or, for those who wish to share their contact information, logs.

As well as being an introduction, this post is a running list of all the tags currently available in DP. This post can be bookmarked or added to memories of character journals for quick reference and will be updated every time the friend-addition button is updated.

Once again, welcome to the game.

- mod

Deceptive Perception
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Nothing is ever perfect...
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