June 9th, 2018



[No Subject]




- Gabriel Eldridge ([info]lvlup)
- Jeffrey Underwood ([info]underwooding)


- Gabriel Eldridge will be joining Rachel Cohen's team.
- Jeffrey Underwood will be joining Scott Deacon's team.
- Tammy Toldeo, Andreaa Castillo and June Kirby have been transferred from Limbo


- please run the add button; it's over here (IJ dislikes when I put it into an entry).
- PB list has been added in case no one wants to sift through the cast list.
- Activity Check has closed; thank you for prompt check ins.
- Please note: posting 'dibs' on a thread you want to tag into only lasts for 24 hours. It's meant to hold a spot for you to tag in promptly if you're just a little indisposed, please don't keep people waiting more than 24 hours. If a day has passed the poster is within their rights to delete the dibs and open the post up again.


- Nicolette Ashford & Open; Alternative Training Options
- Syreni Jones & Open; In the Pool
- Rose Montgomery & Open; Table Top Therapy
- Base Wide; Gathering & Reactions
- Base Wide; Forward Dated Party




To avoid another round of Handler spams; on Sunday night all agents will be taken aside to their common rooms and the identity of the agents who died will be revealed; at the time agents will also be asked if they want to speak to someone within the psych department.

Anything you want your handler to know, post it here so that they can move forward with that.

Please note: only handlers/staff and Sandy Jameson know the full extent of incident and all people involved.