Thursday, August 13th, 2015

In light of this recent ij beginner helpful post, we'd also like to add to your arsenal of rp helpful things!

For those with multiple characters and accounts who don't want to open new windows!

+ lj juggler extension for chrome
+ lj login for firefox

You can sign in to multiple accounts and switch seamlessly, simply refreshing pages to be in the new account. I hope this helps! (just be sure to specify they're insanejournal accounts).

Any time you have something helpful to add, feel free to let us know or post it under the new helpful resources tag here on [info]dcmuooc!
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Wednesday, August 5th, 2015

So You're New To InsaneJournal RPing

No worries, we all have to start somewhere! Some of you are coming from other formats or RPing, but we want everyone to feel welcome, so I hope this post helps!

There's also a LOT of helpful information HERE as far as navigating the site itself. Never feel ashamed or shy about asking for help-you are not bothering us! We want you to enjoy your rp experience here with us, not be stressed out by it!

Instead of 'read mores' or actual hyperlinks to save space on longer threads, we use what is called an lj-cut. You may recognize this from livejournal coding since insanejournal is a carbon copy!


Code for Posts in game here:

Basic Text Formatting for threads:


LANGUAGE TEXT TRANSLATION TRICK (to have the translation show with a mouse hover):


quick rules to remember with threads:
- Comment replies can be as long as you want, but once posted can not be edited unless you delete and repost. If you're going to do so for a typo, make sure your writing partner knows first and put "fixed" in the subject title.
- Unlike Tumblr threads, only one person can reply at a time, so always reply to the last comment--if a third or fourth person is joining, establish posting order at the start.
- The exception to this is group plots! More than one person can reply to a thread itself, but separate comment threads are usually decided between two players or more with an established reply order! You'll notice on my latest Superman thread that it is one main post, but there are multiple storylines going on at the same time to keep things organized. It's best to put in the comment title who is in the sub thread!
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