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[17 Sep 2015|12:22pm]

Hello, insignificant surface-dwellers! This is Calli with one more Marvel guy: Namor, the Sub-Mariner, True King of Atlantis, Scion of the Deep, Lord of the Waters, the Avenging Son, etc. etc. Pay no attention to that other guy who claims to be King of Atlantis, for he is a known deceiver. :|

Namor is one of those characters with an insane amount of history, since he's (IC-ly) been active since the second World War and (OOC-ly) been continuously published in comics since 1939. So there is a ton to say about him, but in brief, he's the mutant and half-human king of Atlantis, endowed with super-strength, flight, the ability to live either underwater or on land, and a serious temper. He's been a superhero and a supervillain, committing both noble acts of heroism and heinous acts of destruction, and his allegiance is always and only to Atlantis. His major allies lately have been both the X-Men of Utopia and the supervillain Dr. Doom, because he will stand with literally anyone if he deems it best for his people, and most recently for him, he's been part of the Phoenix Five -- a group of X-Men who were possessed by the cosmically powerful Phoenix Force and driven to conquer the world. While possessed he attempted to destroy the country of his longtime enemy the Black Panther, the African nation of Wakanda, and while the Avengers stopped him from blasting the whole country off the face of the earth, he did manage to destroy a large portion of their community and kill a staggering number of civilians. He's now un-possessed (yay!) and has gone back underwater to lick his wounds and brood, as one does.

Nobody really likes Namor, so I will not even ask for friends (lol), but he could use some allies or something? Especially since the great undersea rivalry is about to kick off and I feel like you surface heroes might need to take sides.

Hello friends [16 Sep 2015|09:22pm]

Forgive my slowness, a lot is happening at work and I'm about to go on an adventure that requires my full attention. I'll try to get to replies as soon as I can.

[27 Aug 2015|08:43am]

Class has begun once again! The chains of college has latched onto me and down I have been dragged! ;~;

I have been slow with replies once again, but at last I shall pick it back up. My job has taken mercy on me, so I have been given freedom. That I don't know what to do with.

I sit down and just stare at the wall and go, "... Huh.. Free time..". :|

So please bare with me. I apologize once again.

I will be going to a wedding this Saturday and will most likely not be on at any point. After Friday, Monday-Weds will be the best time to message me.

Have a good day guys. Good luck to those heading back to class today!

[22 Aug 2015|09:10pm]

Hi everybody!

So, funnily enough, I don't think I know any of you actually. Which is odd for me to go into a Marvel game not knowing at least one person. That's fantastic though, NEW FACES! Yay and stuff!

Anyway, super happy to meet all of you, I'm Matt, and I've been Rping for about 15 years or so. AOL at first, then on to here. Single, no kids, working two jobs, I'm relatively open for time and do pretty well with it so I intend to be amazingly active.

That being said, onto the man of the hour: This here is Peter Benjamin Parker. Also known far more affectionately as Spider-Man. Peter's memories and 'canon' point is a relative mixture of Ultimates and 616 with a very heavy lean on 616. If any film canon slipped in there at all, it's pretty minimal and likely just a case of not even thinking. That being said, Peter's coming from essentially Amazing Spider-Man #1-5 of the NEW Amazing Spider-Man run, post-Superior Spider-Man. So he has ALL of those memories, has tons of connections with all of the Marvel canon, and he's about 30 years old and now in charge of Parker Industries. A biochemistry and engineering plant that focuses on science to its core, including developing cures for known ailments of super villains.

As such, Parker Industries is now currently, or is in the comics and likely to be attempting to here, build a new state of the art Super Villain prison where villains are cured of their powers, if they can be without killing them, in order to keep them safer to society. This is the new goal, but not yet accomplished.

Otherwise Peter is as you expect, and I intend to have him as close to all of your characters as possible. Also, as per canon he's a member of the Avengers, former member of the Future Foundation, Defenders, and probably other teams I'm spacing on right this very moment. So gang up on him and shower him in hugs and affection.

And yes, DC peeps, that means you too. We absolutely must get them together with Spidey.

Plot please? [21 Aug 2015|11:50pm]

I'm thinking about starting up some open threads for Lois and Dinah this weekend, unless anyone wants them for anything? aka, it has been a stressful month but I'd like to catch up some so please plot with me!

I send ye greetings! [14 Aug 2015|08:42pm]

Its Mags again, saw we were in need of a Dark Knight and so I give you a Batsy. Hit me up if you want to plot anything but know that I've already got some ideas. Ehuhuhuhu~

[14 Aug 2015|08:51am]

Yes, I am well aware I keep apologizing a lot. Sorry. ;~; I know I said I'll start posting again Monday after my final, unfortunately Super Smash Bros. punched me in the face with a bottle of cherry rum.

College done right.

I will be online ALL DAY today and tomorrow and the day after and the day after that etc. Until class starts again August 28th where I will slow down once again.

Thank you all so much for your patience and for simply putting up with my lack of activity.

I owe a reply to [info]i_changelanes

Please comment to this post or shoot a private message for plotting. I would love to interact with as many people as possible while I still can, if not all of you.

Once again, thank you. <3

[13 Aug 2015|05:30pm]

In light of this recent ij beginner helpful post, we'd also like to add to your arsenal of rp helpful things!

For those with multiple characters and accounts who don't want to open new windows!

+ lj juggler extension for chrome
+ lj login for firefox

You can sign in to multiple accounts and switch seamlessly, simply refreshing pages to be in the new account. I hope this helps! (just be sure to specify they're insanejournal accounts).

Any time you have something helpful to add, feel free to let us know or post it under the new helpful resources tag here on [info]dcmuooc!

[06 Aug 2015|08:33am]

Hey guys, this is Calli (Rictor, Dupli-Kate, Hulkling), just letting you know I'll be out of town and AFK today through Sunday. Vacation, yay! I'll get back to everything on Sunday night or Monday. <333

So You're New To InsaneJournal RPing [05 Aug 2015|04:23pm]

No worries, we all have to start somewhere! Some of you are coming from other formats or RPing, but we want everyone to feel welcome, so I hope this post helps!

There's also a LOT of helpful information HERE as far as navigating the site itself. Never feel ashamed or shy about asking for help-you are not bothering us! We want you to enjoy your rp experience here with us, not be stressed out by it!

Instead of 'read mores' or actual hyperlinks to save space on longer threads, we use what is called an lj-cut. You may recognize this from livejournal coding since insanejournal is a carbon copy!


Code for Posts in game here:

Basic Text Formatting for threads:


LANGUAGE TEXT TRANSLATION TRICK (to have the translation show with a mouse hover):


quick rules to remember with threads:
- Comment replies can be as long as you want, but once posted can not be edited unless you delete and repost. If you're going to do so for a typo, make sure your writing partner knows first and put "fixed" in the subject title.
- Unlike Tumblr threads, only one person can reply at a time, so always reply to the last comment--if a third or fourth person is joining, establish posting order at the start.
- The exception to this is group plots! More than one person can reply to a thread itself, but separate comment threads are usually decided between two players or more with an established reply order! You'll notice on my latest Superman thread that it is one main post, but there are multiple storylines going on at the same time to keep things organized. It's best to put in the comment title who is in the sub thread!

YIKES [04 Aug 2015|04:55pm]


Hi, this is Felicia-mun here. I sincerely apologize for the lack of communication on my end. I suddenly hit a rush in my summer courses. Which is about to end next week Monday, thank God.

I honestly was not prepared for this to happen. I am about to take my final and wrap up with everything else.

Essentially, after Monday, I will be here as often as possible. I assure you. I will also catch up on my replies as well, today

Thank you for your patience and kindness. ^_^

Btw, someone here needs to come at me. I want to fight yo. (ง'̀-'́)ง

[01 Aug 2015|08:48am]

Hey guys -- hope you're not sick of Young Avengers yet, because I have one more to add to the dogpile. This is Calli with a certain teenaged mixed-race alien shapeshifter, long-lost heir to the Skrull Empire, son of the original Captain Marvel, all-around fanboy, boyfriend of the most potentially powerful witch in the universe: Teddy Altman, better known as Hulkling.

You can read his profile if you like, but yeah, that's most of what's important about him. He comes from the end of Volume 2 (the Kieron Gillen volume), meaning he's fresh off a traumatic year-or-so of travel through space and dimensions, a climactic battle for the fate of the multiverse which all the adults were too brainwashed to notice happening, and a kicking afterparty. He's so done with interdimensional shenanigans, but he is a tragic orphan (twice over, even) and what he has left is Billy, the Young Avengers, and being a superhero, so he's pretty okay with this place as long as he has all that. <3

Send me your plots! I love them all!

-Calli ([info]rictorious, [info]duplikates, this nerd here)

Hey oh! [26 Jul 2015|11:27pm]

NEW CHARACTER REPORT! Its Mags, (Wade mun) with character number 2. A Nova was requested so a Nova you got!

Just a bit of an FYI on the goings on with Richard, Since he's "Dead" in the comics.

How I'm playing Nova is....He "died" but opening the cosmic cube did its wibbly wobbly timey whimey stuff, it sent him to the new collision world but with no memory of who he is/was. Though he's starting to remember there are still gaps until further notice.

Thought it would be a fun twist.

New character! [22 Jul 2015|02:05pm]

This is Kelly here with character #2. I'm pretty sure everyone is at least somewhat familiar with Lois Lane. She's from around the time of the New Krypton arc but if you have any questions about whether or not something in canon has happened for her, ask away and I'll let you know.

Since she is a nosy reporter, she'll likely be looking into just about every person who is new to her in this combined reality, So there's a lot of chances for interaction there. If you want some, let me know!

Hello! [21 Jul 2015|05:27pm]

Hi! My name is Risa and I have joined as Black Cat (Felicia Hardy). I am super new to insanejournal and journal role playing. I found you guys through an ad on tumblr and I am starting to sound like a new employee on the first day of work.

I am a full time college student and full time employee, but I will do my best to stay active and consistent. Feel free to nudge me on tumblr for replies on either my personal or unluckywithlove.

I have been inactive as a role player for 2 years and have recently decided to get back to it. I apologize if I fail to impress. Writing is hard, yo. ;~; I am totally excited and available for any plotting and social interactions with Felicia. We. Love. To. Socialize. At least she does. Please let me know if you'd like to.

She's just a thief, who's always looking for some excitement. Felicia is currently running a bar in an effort to "behave", however, since her identity is public, she ends up in even more mischief. Not that she could ever stay away from trouble.

I should also stress Felicia's ability to affect the field of probability. She can cause bad luck or good luck, depending on how you look at it, as long as the situation at hand is plausible. So, nothing ridiculous like someone throwing water at her and it doesn't hit her.

More like: if Felicia were in handcuffs, it could either malfunction or she can break them. If someone shoots at her the gun could jam or it could miss.

Or in this case, she could make Lois's pen suddenly not work, etc. However, these are all subtle, and I encourage people to incorporate them into their writings, because it feels a lot like god modding. I will always ask before hand. It doesn't work all the time. It's 50/50.

Thank you for letting me join. I look forward to our many future shenanigans. :)

Edit: Several times, because her ability is an issue.

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