DC Next Generation Roleplay

August 29th, 2016

So... now what? @ 08:49 pm


2 months ago...

Rachel Turner had absolutely no idea what she was going to do.  The people at STAR Labs in Central City had been very kind to her, and they'd even kept her name out of the paper from the super-villain thing (and thank goodness no one had gotten a good picture of her during that mess).  And they'd been very good about studying what had happened to her, even given her clothing that actually converted into hard light when she did.

But did that mean she wanted to be a super-hero?  She wasn't so sure about that.  Even if she had saved some people that first time (which, she admitted, had felt pretty good), she wasn't exactly the type.  Most of the super-heroes around these days were the kids or grandkids of the previous generation of heroes, at least according to the rumor mill.

"Miss Turner?"

She looked up.  It was Topher, once of the interns at the Lab who'd been working on her case.   "The Flash is here to see you."

"See me?" she asked.  "But why...?"

"Couldn't say.  You want me to send him in?"

She hesitated.  Then again, you didn't live in Keystone or Central without a healthy admiration for the Fastest Men and Women Alive.

"Sure.  Send him in."

August 25th, 2016

How to Handle a Gun Fight @ 09:39 pm


John made himself the center target of the gunman holding up the bank. Most of the hostages had managed to get out when he and Rachel had arrived, but there were still a few left inside. He quickly sent her a message on his comm.

"Okay, Ray, I've got the attention of those up front. While I'm keeping their focus, check around the place for any gunmen they may have around back. Take them down if there are. We need to have another place to evacuate hostages."

August 14th, 2016

All Along the Watchtower (open to League) @ 09:50 pm


"I am never getting used to this," Rachel said, looking out at the view of Earth from the Watchtower's observation deck.

She'd been a member, no scratch that, "member in training" of the League for only two months now, and could almost wrap her mind along the idea of teleporting from STAR Labs, Central City to the League's headquarters on the moon, but nothing was going to make her get used to the view.

That she'd even been considered for anything to do with the World's Greatest Heroes was nothing short of amazing.  Some of these people had grown up together (based on what she could intuit from some of their conversations), and most of them had years, if not more, of experience on her.  And yet here she was.

Sure, she didn't have complete access to everything, information-wise, and didn't know the real names behind the masked faces of her teammates, but she accepted that.  You didn't give the intern who cleans the test tubes the passwords to top secret research files, after all.

But she had a Signal Device.  And she'd made great strides in controlling her powers, with the help of the League and STAR Labs.  And none of the other Rays out there had called her on using their name, so that was good too.

Not bad for a college student, when you thought about it.