DC Next Generation Roleplay

October 30th, 2015

Thicker Than Water (Mike) @ 09:48 pm


The door appeared so normal it brought her up short. Kathryn checked the writing on the page, the address, the entire hand drawn map, and then the door in front of her. She had not expected... expectations. There had not been time in which to foster such thoughts.

Yet, Kathryn had not come so very far to stare at a door. She knocked.

October 6th, 2015

Alleys by Night (Gotham) @ 08:30 pm


It took her two full minutes to realize it was over. The child had fled early in the fight, luckily, before one of the ruffians that had been chasing him pulled a gun on her. She had merely inquired after the sudden disturbance and found herself in the middle of very uneven odds. Five against one.

It had not been the most aesthetic victory. She had not even realized she was in a fight for much of the first half. They were raucous and disorganized, more harm than help to each other. The knife biting across her forearm had cleared any misconception. She had donned the helmet, not even sure as to why. It had felt appropriate. They answered with laughter and a gun. However, seeing a bullet stopped point blank by a blot of solid darkness had apparently been their breaking point. They ran.

She had not noticed. That had been two minutes ago. The gun's report echoed in her ears, in her chest. She struggled to fill her lungs, sliding down the rough alley wall. It was good to know that worked, at least.