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dust till dawn → out of character

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[May 2nd, 2009]

In lieu of all this activity, we decided we'd do something fun and post one of the character response questions. In case you don't know how this deliciously fun thread works, read below.

• We, the mods, will post a question that you will answer IN CHARACTER.
• You can post as much as you want, reply to others' responses, etc.
• Have fun, but remember - stay in character.
• For an example, go here: http://asylums.insanejournal.com/dawn_ooc/7133.html
• To post images, just use the following html without the stars; <*img src="(urlofimagehere)"*>
• It's not mandatory, but the more that join, the more fun it is. :D

The question for this round is: Got any embarrassing pictures? If so, post them here.
227 reply

[May 2nd, 2009]

'Kay, I know I haven't exactly been the poster boy for activity lately, but hopefully I'm going to try and remedy that . . Right after I finish up tending to a few family issues. Soo, yeah, I'm going to be out of town for a couple of days this week, although I hope to be back by Thursday afternoon if all goes to plan.

I kinda hate to do this, especially since I'm currently involved in a thread ( forgive me, Char! :/ ), but after this and the following week I'll be finished with finals and I should have a ridiculous amount of free time.

I hope you guys are having more fun with Spring than I am!
5 reply

[May 1st, 2009]

Hey, all. Just letting you know that I probably won't be around until tomorrow night. Brent's brother is having surgery, and we're going up there to stay with him. It's nothing too major, so no worries.

Ryan, I'll get to the Cordy reply as soon as I get back, if I can't get to it today. Never mind, got it up between between classes. <3
1 reply

[April 29th, 2009]

Guys, the Scooby Gang thread needs to be closed by May 6th. It's definitely ran over the allotted time limit, which happens when there's a big group. We understand that. :D But, let's try to get it finished.
2 reply

[April 27th, 2009]

Guess what time it is? Voting time! We realize that we haven't done voting in ... a year. But! There's been a surge of activity ( yay, guys! ) and so we think that a celebration is in order. Therefore, voting.

You should know the drill by now, but here are the guidelines;

• This time, voting is mandatory. Every single player must vote.
• No voting for yourself. ( Doesn't that defeat the purpose? )
• One vote per person.
• You must vote for each category.
• Vote honestly. If a character hasn't been active, don't vote for them because they're your BFF.
• You may only vote for the nominee eligible for the particular category.
• All comments are screened, so only the mods and yourself will see your vote.
• You may change your votes, so long as your final issue is confirmed before May 8th.
• Choose only one character/person to nominate for each category, unless, stated differently (i.e. Most fantasized couple )
• Voting ends May 8th.
• And guys, if you don't receive an award, don't let it get you down! If activity stays like it is, we'll be voting every month, and there's always other chances!

on to the voting! )

[April 23rd, 2009]

It's Xander's turn to update in the group thread.
2 reply

[April 19th, 2009]

Hey, all. Just letting you all know that there's going to be a change in the story line. To progress it even farther, we're going to fast forward everything a month. Carry on with your current threads as planned ( just be sure to close them in the two week mark ). All new threads should be done in a way that makes it so a month has passed.

[April 17th, 2009]

Hello, all! Just letting you know that I won't be around this weekend. My family and I are going out of town. I'll be able to reply to the thread on Sunday. :D
1 reply

[April 13th, 2009]

activity has been lagging again. come on, guys. i don't want to start cutting people for not taking the three day limit rule seriously. we may have to start being more strict and result to that. now we know some of you hold up your end of the bargain, but others haven't so much. we won't name call, but you know who you are. the storyline does count on you guys, believe it or not. without activity there will be no storyline.

so, yes, i have to put on my modly pants. charisma and i will start making activity checks more frequently. the rules still follow: those who repeatedly break the three day rule will be removed from the storyline, unless you have informed us earlier you may be going on hiatus.

the following thread needs to be updated admittedly:

giles/buffy/xander/willow/dawn ( i believe it's dawn's turn )

remember group threads need to be finished in three weeks and one-on-one threads within two weeks. this is to keep the storyline flowing.

also, enforcing the rule of character activity ( i know the mods have a bad habit of this, too, which is why ours is included, too ). if a character remains inactive over a month repeatedly we will ask you to drop the character, until you feel you can handle picking up another character again ( again, this also applies to the mods ) the following characters need to be updated admittedly by april 20th or they will be dropped from the storyline.


we will also be doing "member of the month" awards if we feel someone deserves it. member of the month awards are given to avid players, which means they post often and always keep up with their threads ( remaining in the three day limit ).

The Member Of The Month Is........

Congrats, FG! We really appreciate the hard work you put into the storyline. The mods do notice how well you keep up with your threads and keep the storyline moving. We appreciate it. And to show our gratitude here's a little present for you!

picspams! )
8 reply

if you wanna be a slayer. [April 9th, 2009]

dreamfloat posted this on livejournal. i just had to post it here. it's hilarious!


[April 8th, 2009]

What's goin' on guys? All the activity just went down the drain. We don't want to have to start cutting people already after we just got a surge of new players, but we might have to start doing so. The following threads need to be updated by tomorrow night.

The Scooby Gang
3 reply

[April 4th, 2009]

Hey, on the Scooby post, does Giles need to go next, or should I wait for everyone else to tag first?
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[March 29th, 2009]

i will be on an unexpected hiatus for a few days. i promise to do any tags or thread starters when i get back.

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Anyone wanna play? [March 24th, 2009]

Would anyone like to do anything with Spike right now? Don't really know what to do with him next at this point so open to all and anything.
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[March 18th, 2009]

Hey, all! I was wondering if the Willow, Xander, Daawn and Giles players would be interested in doing a group thread, where they find out Angel's back? Maybe they have a Scooby Meeting, and Buffy tells them that he's back? Just let me know.
10 reply

[March 17th, 2009]

Hey, everyone! Just a little update post. All threads that are open need to be closed in the next two days. If you think it's at a decent stopping spot, just mark it as complete today.

Also, we'd love to hear from you guys in term of plot. So, any plot ideas for the scoobies, AI ( or what's left of it ) gang, etc, etc.

[March 10th, 2009]

hey, all! sorry about my absence over the weekend. we had an emergency, but all is well now and i'll be replying to the threads i'm in.

[February 27th, 2009]

anyone want to thread with abel or faith? i'm open.

( oops, sammy, too! )
18 reply

Gina! [February 19th, 2009]

[ mood | hopeful ]

Can Xander and Willow get together? Wills misses her other best friend.

7 reply

[February 15th, 2009]

does anyone want to thread with deano here? i want to network him a little more, bbs! :D
5 reply

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