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[May 17th, 2009]

The following thread needs to be updated A.S.A.P;

4 reply

[May 15th, 2009]

I'm going to be on hiatus Sat-Sun. Working most of Sat and then staying the night at a friend's house...so we can go to the beach Sun! I'll prob be back sometime Sun evening...of course, I should be avail via AIM on my phone if needed.

[May 13th, 2009]

the following thread needs to be updated asap:

1 reply

[May 13th, 2009]

Just a heads up, guys. I'll be gone Friday, and probably Saturday. I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed on Friday, and I'm a lightweight when it comes to pain medicine, so I'll probably be out most of Saturday. I might sign on, but if I do, forgive me if I'm on the loopy side.

[May 13th, 2009]

Hey, everyone! Char, here. Just wanting to introduce you all to our newest character, who also happens to be the next big bad. You can find a brief description of her here in the brand new plot post, under "general plots." The extra short version? She's a Power That Be that just so happened to get a little bored. You all can thank the lovely Crystal for this idea, because she is the one who thought it all up! Props to you, Crystal!

Expect to see a post from her very soon. :D
3 reply

[May 13th, 2009]

Okay, guys. So, the plot post is up, and you can find it here. Really, we suggest making this one of your favorites on your browser, or putting it in your memories so that you can access it often. You should AT LEAST look at it every couple of days, if not every day since it will be updated often.

Please, please post all of your ideas there to be discussed and such. We've already had an awesome idea given to us by the wonderful Crystal, and it is up in the plots. Like we said before, if you don't contribute, we'll assume you're; A) lazy, or B) unconcerned about plots for your character. Even if you don't HAVE an idea, it wouldn't kill you to post to the thread and ask for others' opinions!

Happy plotting!

[May 12th, 2009]

It has come to our attention that currently, there's just not enough plots going around for everybody. There's characters that are drifting around, etc. So, we will be posting up a post in a few minutes that will be a master post. What that means is that it will always remain at the top of the OOC page, and will be used for your purposes. It will be where everyone talks about plot ideas, characters, etc. When you get that random thought in the middle of the night that goes like this "Man, my character and so and so should really do this," you will comment with that idea in the plot post and we will update the post. Guys, the mods are tired of holding hands. Lately, there has been a new burst of activity, and that's fantastic! We're thrilled. However, if people don't start plotting, that activity will dwindle like it's so prone to do. It is up to you to plot for your characters. Also, we have noticed that certain characters have been neglected use-wise. Since we're such a small group, it's normal that we have people carrying more than one character, but those characters need to be played. Otherwise, they're gathering dust.

So, the master post will be up in a little bit, and it will be to your benefit that you take part in it. If you don't, we will assume that you are either lazy, or don't particularly care if your character gets plot.

Guys, this is a really great storyline. It's been around for just over two years. That's right - two years. Not many storylines make it that far. Everyone here is an amazing player. We just need to see some more plot stirrin', is all! It's summer, which means everyone will ( should ) have more time. Theoretically, we should be seeing tons of threads. And please remember that it is perfectly fine to scene through AIM, just as long as you log it!
1 reply

[May 10th, 2009]

Guys, I'm going to go on a short hiatus. We were told today that a friend of mine committed suicide earlier this week, and I just don't see me being able to keep up with the threads. It won't be a long hiatus - maybe two or three days. Maybe even one. Just long enough to get settled down. If you would, just keep her family and friends in your thoughts.

If I feel up to it, I might reply to some threads later on.
1 reply

[May 9th, 2009]

Just letting you all know that I won't be around much tomorrow, since it's Mother's Day and all. I'm ( relatively ) sure I'm the only mom here in the story line, but if not, Happy Mother's Day! :D Brent and Riley won't tell me what they're doing for Mother's Day. All I know is that they're taking me out somewhere. Uh oh.
2 reply

[May 9th, 2009]

I think we all should ...


8 reply

Heads up... [May 9th, 2009]

[ mood | busy ]

I'll be away most of the weekend, taken the minions to some fun place for my Birthday on Saturday and Mothersday on Sunyday. If needed I'll try to get a tag/post in during the evenings.

1 reply

[May 8th, 2009]

who wants some abel time?
2 reply

[May 8th, 2009]


awards part two )

2 reply

[May 8th, 2009]

Jess, would you mind marking the Scooby Gang thread as complete, since it went over the allotted time? Thanks very much. :D
3 reply

[May 7th, 2009]

Here you go, Gina! :DDD

3 reply

[May 7th, 2009]

So, apparently, my brain got all jumbled. Turns out, voting ending on the eighth. I must have confused that with the scooby thread, which I said needed to be ended on the sixth. So, here's the dealio. The people who did not submit their votes yet, and that won awards will still be given said awards, since this was my blunder, not theirs. ( Gina, forgive me! ) There is only one change, and since it was a tie, no one loses their award! :D There is only one added award, and that is;

Most accurate male canon portrayal: Tie between Xander and Dean

Gina, I will work on your award right now! :D

[May 7th, 2009]

Here are the first part of the awards, guys! :D Shay will post her section when she's finished with them. Please upload these to your own server ( like photobucket, tinypic, etc ) if using them on a website.

click me for awards! )
2 reply

[May 6th, 2009]

The voting results are in! :D Just remember that if you didn't vote, you were not eligible to receive any awards, even if your character won. Shay and I will work on the awards soon. Congrats to all the winners! Also, if you guys have any ideas for the next categories, let us know! We want to add some humorous ones for OOC, such as "Player most likely to shank you in a dark alley." Lmao. It will add some flavor. Any ideas for IC awards or OOC awards are greatly appreciated!

click here for winners! )
5 reply

[May 5th, 2009]

Unfortunately, we have removed Stephy due to lack of activity. We have very few players, so activity is crucial at this point. The mods will be more strict, but we only do it to keep this storyline alive.

Anyone know any Spike players, or if you'd like to pick them up yourself, please let us know.

[May 3rd, 2009]

Just a reminder about the voting. The following people still need to vote before the eighth;


Remember - the sooner we get your votes in, the sooner we can make the awards! Also, don't forget that if you don't vote, you're not eligible to receive awards even if you win. If you don't vote and win an award, it will be given to the next person in line.

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