Mon, Nov. 10th, 2008, 03:03 pm
[info]machka: not strictly Dandy, but Dandy-ish...

Original poster: machka

Tix available thru Flytrap Music Hall

Tue, Sep. 16th, 2008, 08:17 pm
[info]machka: Dandy weekend recaps. :P

Original poster: machka

Videos from Andy's show
[see also [info]tohaveheroes for a few more that I didn't duplicate]

Re-cap of drunken shenanigans, a/k/a "A cat and a fish walk into a bar..."

LOL I'm drunk

Idol show recap

Idol-spam posts of doom:
Part the First
Part the Second
Part the Third

All these links will end your asses up on my journal. Sorry, too much C&P involved for my tastes, so you get linkage instead.

If you want more in-depth silliness, look for the "tulsa '08" tag on my journal - that will get you all the text-posts I made as well. :) In fact, I encourage it. XD

Fri, Sep. 12th, 2008, 05:43 pm
[info]machka: HELLO FROM TULSA!!!!! *eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*

Original poster: machka


Counting down to the wild and wacky Dandy weekend, starting in approximately 90 minutes!!

So, on the agenda for tonight:

  1. Pre-party at Plan B
  2. Andy's first show
  3. Collective shit-losing on our parts
  4. Andy's second show
  5. Shit-losing of epic proportions
  6. Home to the hotel to process video/pics and hopefully have something to upload before bed? <--not a guarantee, sorry

I'll be posting text messages and possibly voice posts to my personal El-Jay as I remember or maintain consciousness, whichever may be the case. Feel free to spy over there, and later I can update this post with the linkage, if folks want, Y/N??

Sat, Sep. 6th, 2008, 09:52 pm
[info]machka: Calling any and all Tulsa Nomads...

Original poster: machka

Those of you traveling to Tulsa specifically for the THH/AI weekend...


Just putting this out there in case any of you were not aware of it:

More info on

And for those of you who maybe want to go to the AI show, but don't want to pay an arm and a leg to a ticket broker... I've got an extra ticket you can have for face value. Unfortunately, it's in the nosebleed section (section 301) -- but at least you can say you were there! ;-D

Tulsa Nomads, represent!! W00T!!

the local weather watch... )