Sun, Dec. 14th, 2008, 08:47 pm
[info]machka: Fic: The Start of Something Good

Original poster: angelicfruicake

Title: The Start of Something Good
Author: says Santa Claus is coming to town
Giftee: [info]kaia_kyrial
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: David/Andy
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: None of this is real. I'm making it all up.
Summary: A story about hard questions and easy answers.
Author Notes:Merry Christmas [info]kaia_kyrial! I'm not sure if this is anything like what you had in mind, but it's got Dave and Andy and boys kissing (among other things) so hopefully it'll be close enough. Written for the [info]xmascookies fic exchange. The title is shamelessly stolen from Gavin DeGraw, from the song Follow Through. Thanks to [my beta], for the stealth-like beta read.

This was written as part of a Secret Santa Fic Exchange so for now, the author is anonymous.

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