Tue, Oct. 14th, 2008, 07:34 pm
[info]machka: David album news, which I'm sure you've all seen by now, right? :)

Original poster: machka

From the DCO e-newsletter:

Hey everybody,

As promised, here is an exclusive first look at the new album cover and song titles! Only you and other members of the site get to see this first! Like it? Love it? Leave David comments on the site to let him know.

Here’s the list of song titles:
01 Declaration
02 Heroes
03 Light On
04 Come Back to Me
05 Life on the Moon
06 Bar-ba-sol
07 Mr. Sensitive
08 Lie
09 I Did It for You
10 Avalanche
11 Permanent
12 A Daily AntheM [I refuse to downplay the significance of that "M", when David has given it such. - Management]

The Time Of My Life

David's self-titled CD comes out November 18! Let’s make this a huge success for David!

-Ur Web Nerds

PS: Stay tuned for some really exciting news about upcoming TV appearances.

Mon, Sep. 22nd, 2008, 01:03 am
[info]machka: Here's our DCO surprise!

Original poster: machka

It's the lyrics to "Light On"!!

spoilerz, OMG )

Wed, Sep. 3rd, 2008, 01:30 am
[info]machka: *flail*

Original poster: machka

*spams community*

OMG, you guys -- I just got this in my e-mail from Amazon.com:

Hello from Amazon.com.

We now have delivery date(s) for the order you placed on May 30 2008 14:24 PDT
(Order# youdon'tneedtoknowthat):

David Cook (Artist) "New Release (featuring "The Time Of My Life") (2008)" [Audio CD]

Estimated arrival date: 11/19/2008 - 11/21/2008 <---- HOMG YOU GUIZ, WE HAVE A DATE NOW!!!one!

For more details, please visit the Your Account section of our web site (http://www.amazon.com/your-account). You can also reach Your Account by clicking on the link in the top right corner of any page on our website.