Dark Prince Rising

15th November 2009

The darker side of Severus.

Welcome to Dark Prince Rising, a community devoted to fic, meta and art exploring the darker side of everyone's favorite Death Eater.

Are you fascinated by Young Severus the loyal DE? Intrigued by AU's in which he returns to the Dark Lord, or becomes one himself? Do you wonder what exactly a Dark wizard is, and if Severus is one? Do you simply want something a little more complex than Misunderstood Saint!Severus? If so, then welcome to the Dark Side. (We have Chocolate Frogs!)


Feel free to rec fic and art, and to post your own fic and art!

But before you post PLEASE read the About section and the Prince's Laws (Rules), and please TAG PROPERLY. This helps other users find your work!

Also, check out our affiliate Snapedom, run by our dear Sylvanawood! (They have Every Flavour Beans).


Please note: this is a community created by and for adults, and may contain adult themes. This community is also mostly unmoderated, so please keep things civil. Debate all you like, but please keep it about the work; don't get personal.

And NO shipping wars!

If you have questions, you can contact us at darkprincesnape@yahoo.com.

Everything posted to this community is meant in fun and tribute to JKR's creation; no profit is being made. If you recognize it, it's hers.



15th November 2009

Azkaban Blanket for Rabastan

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Fic for: [info]anomalywaiting
Title: Azkaban Blanket

Characters: Severus, Rabastan. Dumbledore
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Summary: Severus visits Rabastan in prison and brings him a gift.
Disclaimer: This journal contains adult material. I am not Severus Snape. I am not Alan Rickman. I am not Alec Hopkins. I do not own Severus, Alan nor Alec, nor any thing nor person from the 'Harry Potter' universe. I do not own Rabastan LeStrange or Albus Dumbledore. I make no money from this journal, which is written by and for adults.
Word count: 2,223
Author Notes: The prompt was 'Blanket'
story! )


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Title: Temptation
Author: [info]janus
Characters: Severus Snape, The Dark Lord, Lily
Rating: R for dark ideas
Word Count: 681
Warnings: Dark ideas
Summary: At fifteen, with a little help, Severus resists temptation.

Story! )


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Title: Contrast
Author: [info]janus
Characters: Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy, Draco Malfoy, misc. OC
Rating: NC-17 for violence
Word Count: 717
Warnings: Extreme violence, Dark ideas
Summary: After a Death Eater murder, Severus and Lucius demonstrate the differences in their characters.

story! )

A Prince's Papers

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Title: A Prince's Papers
Author: [info]janus
Characters: Severus Snape, A related Wizard
Rating: PG
Word Count: 250
Warnings: none
Prompt from [info]00sevvie: At some point in the recent past papers belonging to a somewhat distant Prince relative of Sev's bearing curious magical formulas were uncovered, greatly to Voldemort's interest. however, until now they haven't been able to get anything to work. Someone thinks they've found a key to the puzzle.

story! )
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