October 25th, 2010

[info]princelingblack in [info]darkmarkrising

Who: Andromeda and Regulus Black
What: Secrets. Because let's face it, this is the only time nothing will shock them and everything will make them happy. And they probably won't remember much later, anyway.
Where: Reg's dorm. Which hopefully will remain uninvaded by the dance party.
When: Sunday morning. Or afternoon. GOD KNOWS what time is like for everyone right now. Let's say early afternoon?
Rating: Most likely pretty low.
Warning: May cause hunger pains. And cravings for baked goods.

Regulus hadn't slept in what felt like weeks, and didn't think he'd have to for weeks and weeks more. )

[info]notagazelle in [info]darkmarkrising

Who: Dorcas Meadowes and OPEN.
What: Suffering. Post-billywig, post-drinking, post-smoking suffering.
Where: Outside the dungeons.
When: Early Monday morning.
Rating: PG+13!