October 19th, 2010

[info]shiftingsnake in [info]darkmarkrising

Who: Marlene McKinnon and Lazarus Smith
What: Apparently when Marlene decides to smoke, boys show up. This might become a problem in the future.
Where: Abandoned classroom. Pick a floor, any floor.
When: Evening, after dinner.
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Smoking kills. But it probably wouldn't kill her before something else got to her. )

[info]pauliemuller in [info]darkmarkrising

Who: Paul Muller and Theo Chastain.
What: Paulie and Theo being adorable, while he works on his latest painting.
Where: A small field of honeysuckles near the Quidditch pitch.
When: BACKDATED TO Monday afternoon, before Jack Clarke's birthday party.
Rating: PG-13, at least? If only because Theo has a filthy mouth.
Status: Incomplete.
It was his safe place, somewhere he could go when he wasn't feeling himself. He shared it with no one, but he wanted to share it with her. )