October 16th, 2010

[info]gallantbones in [info]darkmarkrising

A Hufflepuff in Ravenclaw's Colours.

WHO: Edgar Bones and Mediwizard Keenan.
WHAT: Edgar needs medical attention from a prank done well by a friend.
WHEN: October 16th, early Morning.
WHERE: Infirmary.
STATUS: Incomplete.
RATING: Some description of boy bits and singing, but otherwise not much.

Polly does not want! )

[info]siriuss in [info]darkmarkrising

Who: Sirius Black, Amelia Bones, Theo Chastain, Lily Evans, Elizabeth Goldstein, Phoebe King, Remus Lupin, Dorcas Meadowes, Echo Rutherford, Peter Pettigrew, James Potter, Emmeline Vance
When: BACKDATED to Friday, Oct 15th
What: Meeting of like minds
Where: Complicated room in the basement

Notes! )

[info]cygon in [info]darkmarkrising

Who: Cynthia Jugson, closed.
What: Cynthia discovers Joan's remains.
Where: Slytherin Common Room.
When: Morning after THIS.
Rating: PG-13.
Status: Complete.

Muggles were attacked by all sorts of weird afflictions - chicken pox, which didn't actually turn anyone into a chicken, appendicitis, where you had to get your organs cut out, and the ever-present worry of just plain dying. In your sleep, on the loo, in front of the television. Muggles seemingly had the tendency to just drop dead wherever they pleased. )