October 11th, 2010

[info]gallantbones in [info]darkmarkrising

Dueling Practice and Chat

WHO: Frank Longbottom and Edgar Bones.
WHAT: A little dueling and a lot of venting.
WHERE: The Lake.
WHEN: Monday October 11th; Afternoon.
STATUS: INcomplete.

Edgar did a little shimmy around his hips, a tell that he was mulling what attack to level next. While he did, he kept his wand up in an attempt to keep Frank at bay. Frank was an excellent duelist. Edgar wasn't one to be trifled with on an impulse either, but Frank was just good. Edgar kept that in mind as he moved his footing around his friend with a smile that desperately tried not to expose his amusement.

"I don't think Sirius Black's with us," Edgar commented. "Or at least he's skeptical... I'm not sure." He shuffled his feet a bit and flipped his arm in a riposte in a hope to elude Frank. It didn't work. Edgar flung an ice spell over his friend's shoulder and then prepared to duck what Frank would likely level back as a counterstrike. "I thought for sure he'd be in for some reason. Do you know him well at all? Any of the Marauders besides James?"

This clearly perturbed Edgar while he studied the center of Frank's chest, knowing it to be the center of movement. If it moved, it meant Frank's arms were moving. That meant a riposte or a Hex.