November 24th, 2010

[info]mistress_mary in [info]darkmarkooc

hiatus-type thingie!

HEY GUYS. I am the queen of last-minute-ness, but this kept slipping my mind. XD

I'm leaving in a little less than an hour and will be gone until sometime late Saturday evening most likely. I'm going with my fiancé to meet his family, and while I can check my mail and even sorta check the game on my phone (yay There's-An-App-For-That!), that hinges very strongly on a.) quality of signal and b.) amount of time spent not being scrutinized by my future extended in-law family.

SO. While I might be able to peek at the game and get notifs and maybe even comment possibly, I'll pretty much be gone for the next few days.

So .. yes. If you need to reach me, e-mail is definitely the best option unless you happen to have my cell number, in which case texting is probably quicker. But I'll try to check my e-mail at least once a day.

Kisses! :*

- Brandi (Mary/Vee/Will/Teddy)

OH! And I'm bringing my laptop, as well, to do schoolwork, but again, internet time will be limited to a.) connection and b.) amount of time not spent being scrutinized by my future extended in-law family.

[info]emiliayaxley in [info]darkmarkooc

Hi, I'm really sorry that I didn't post sooner, things have been a little crazy at school. I'm Kaytee, and I'm new to the game. This is Emilia Yaxley, shes the younger sister of Aidan and she's a 5th year Hufflepuff. The details are on her profile, but basically Emilia is very much a proper, sweet pureblood lady and proud of that role. Shes definitely not death eater material, though, basically because she's just too nice to actually be prejudiced like that. Right now though she's supporting her family, although she isn't really close to any of them, and her family supports Voldemort so she'll be keeping her mouth shut about politics, especially since her younger sister was killed by muggleborn extremists recently.

I guess she needs pretty much everything, friends, enemies and the like. Anything would be alright, really. My a.i.m. sn is griffinchild21.