November 3rd, 2010

[info]_bluebird in [info]darkmarkooc

I came down with a cold and am feeling absolutely terrible, with a head-splitting headache. So. Hiatus for the time being. I will still lurk, but I will probably spend most of my time passed out in my bed. Hopefully this blasted thing will go away soon <3

Ily guys ♥ See you in a few days!

[info]ms_kim in [info]darkmarkooc

Hey guys. So, I'm going to be pretty much gone for the next couple days or so. (Hopefully) I've been having super bad headaches and it's making it hard to do stuff. I'm getting new meds and all sorts of fun stuff which will hopefully fix things. Until then, I'm not going to be spending much time online, or feeling up to posting.

(Aure, Rita, Peter, Mi Sun, and Dilly)