November 1st, 2010

[info]aurookwood in [info]darkmarkooc

Hey bitchessss (and by bitches, I mean lovers)

UNFORTUNATELY I will be slightly less around this week because I'm going back to my old college town to vote (I AM A FAILURE AND FORGOT TO RE-REGISTER). This means, inevitably, I will be out drinking a lot, so my availability will be iffy.

BUT during the days I should still be on at least a little? I mean, most of my friends who are still there have school and shit so, I'll have little to do.

In closing, here is a gif of two of my characters weirdly making eyes at each other or something.

[info]teddybeardoctor in [info]darkmarkooc


Hey guys! Just a reminder that those required appointments with Teddy are due to start tomorrow. The sign-ups are here, if you want to double-check and make sure that all of your characters are signed up for a time slot, and also double-check what their time slots are. xD EVEN IF THEY ARE GOING TO SKIP THEIR APPOINTMENT, please sign them up for a slot anyway. If your character would not have gone and signed themselves up, just pretend that whatever slot you picked for them, Teddy picked on their behalf and contacted them about it sometime today.

You don't have to comment here unless you fall under GROUP 1 or GROUP 2 below! In which case ... please comment. :)

GROUP 1: You want to thread the session. PLEASE COMMENT AND REMIND ME. I tried going back through the posts, but some people didn't specify, and some people didn't sound sure, so ... comment here if you want to thread it. Srsly, I'm down for however many of you want to thread.

GROUP 2: Your character WILL BE SKIPPING their session. I need to know this so that Teddy can be making note of it, and he WILL be speaking with your Head of House and Dumbledore about it.

And don't worry, Teddy's got charms on the office to make it soundproof, so you don't have to worry about eavesdroppers.