October 27th, 2010

[info]symposiaste in [info]darkmarkooc


So~! after hours of listmaking, I've taken into account house, gender, blood status, year, and affiliation! as well as letting as many people who want to play! SO I PRESENT!

Your Slug Club )

And because I'm a statistics whore: the breakdown )

SO! If anyone has any comments about their characters being in the Slug Club ("Why aren't they here?" or "X wouldn't go :C" let me know!

Also any staff members who want to be former Slug Club. CONGRATULATIONS! LET'S HAVE DRINKS! NOW! SLUGGY HAS A FREE PERIOD!

[info]traversity in [info]darkmarkooc


Guys, I just can't do this. I'm a big believer in separating the OOC and IC worlds, but when constant flak is thrown in a single character's direction with no hope for redemption, and no support from 'his' side, its just pretty much untenable. Ayden really has no friends, and all enemies. I'm not sure if any of you have played through that before. I like to torment my characters to a degree, but when it is nothing but torment- EEK! Its just gotten a little too hateful!

Its a little weird to be bothered when you check your email and theres a slew of hate at a character. Its not directed at me, no! But to effectively write, you have to put yourself in that character's shoes and 'feel it' for a brief time. Well, with Ayden its not so brief!! It sort of lingers. I've actually felt more tired and a little... off... every time I've had to respond for him. I like him as a character because he could have been interesting, but I've also come to just dread him.

So I think we can consider him chewed up and spit out.

Sorry sorry sorry!

[info]studyofmuggles in [info]darkmarkooc

Yeah, this is KILLING me. Can'tstoplaughing.