October 25th, 2010

[info]inadvance in [info]darkmarkooc

Little note! You know how Emmeline was going on about climbing a tree? Well she fell off said tree. She now has a broken skull and leg.

[info]drink__me in [info]darkmarkooc

I would just like to let everyone know that this can probably be heard through the entire castle. Or at least the entire fourth floor and the halls directly above and below them. So enjoy the musical stylings (and badly butchered Queen songs) of James and Rosmerta.

[info]sterntabby in [info]darkmarkooc

Its (maybe) a little sad, as Minerva didn't get much air time, but I'm pretty strongly of the opinion that I'm going to turn her loose to a good home with one of you other DMR addicts. I thought I'd be able to play her fairly well, but from the get go it felt very off. Well, no sense in suffering through with no muse for her.

So, I'm going to say goodbye to Minerva here, and hope someone else does the old girl justice.


[info]symposiaste in [info]darkmarkooc


Alright my little dufflemuffins, Christie here, bringing in Slughorn in probably the worst advised move in history!

Slughorn's a 74 year old bon vivant starting his 50th year of teaching potions, and schmoozing--that's an extracurricular. So someone better throw him parties He's a confirmed bachelor who enjoys hosting parties, favoritism, receiving gifts and joie de vivre.

If he likes you, he loves you, if he doesn't, who are you?

He's a bit of a flirt who wouldn't actually pursue anything, he's past romantic endeavors at this point in his life. I imagine he gets along perfectly fine with other professors, unless they have reason to dislike him, and he's looking to collect tomorrow's best and brightest :D

So, tomorrow's best and brightest, who wants in slug club?