October 23rd, 2010

[info]suchaprettyme in [info]darkmarkooc

I bet you guys don't even remember me! But, look who's finally back from her self imposed exile. I finally finished my prospectus, and while November may still be a little spotty, to not at all the same degree. So~! Lockhart, Charity, Jay, and Lucius can now come back and play with EVERYONE :D

Just in time for a party it appears!

But other than that, I'm super sorry that I've missed a gazillion new characters.

I'll reintroduce mine for new guys :) )

If you guys could let me know if you have new characters I should know, drop a note here or talk to me? I'm like a month behind ^^;. But I'm back! ♥ I missed you guys!

Also if anyone wants to thread, I'm totally game.

[info]siriuss in [info]darkmarkooc


This was going to happen yesterday, but because Chase went ~drama llama, Sirius decided to wait a day. Now that Chase is going to be okay...

SIRIUS HAS UNLEASHED 2000+ BILLYWIGS ON THE SCHOOL, as of right now. They will probably stay around til Monday/Tuesday. In short, Billywigs sting cause giddyness. Enough of them cause you to float. If you have an allergic reaction, you will continue floating until you get treatment. BASICALLY, everyone is going to be high. You don't have to have your character stung, but you do need to come up with a valid reason why they weren't.

So Slytherins? Have fun getting loose for once ;)

[info]divinesque in [info]darkmarkooc


I am Jess! And I am the newest bb to your little shindig over here. I am rad and that's really all you need to know about me.

THIS. Is Sybill Trelawney. Also rad.

She's a 7th year Hufflepuff (REPRESENT!) and she is a Seer~. She has yet to have a vision~ come true as she sees~ it, (pretty close though! ... if you're stretching it) but she picks up on omens~ very perceptively. She also smokes a LOT of weed. And the occasional peyote. And she does a lot of mushrooms. I promise she's a lot of fun. If you like Divination, you will be her fast friend because she loves the shit out of it. She also does not like rude people and non-believers~. So there's there. But mostly she's super chill and likes her zen~.

HIT THIS BITCH UP. and also me. you can find me at wakeup in makeup on aim. and I love plot. So there.