October 14th, 2010

[info]cygon in [info]darkmarkooc


This is Patricia with her final (so help me god) character. Cynthia Jugson. If you're lucky, I haven't flailed to you yet about her, so she's going to be a fun surprise to most of you. So. Where to start. She's Crabbe's future mum, but she's a closeted lesbian. Who steals trinkets from most of the other Slytherin girls. Perfumes, nail polishes, whatever. She keeps them as trophies of her made-up conquests. She's also really unnerving, actually. A heavy breathing, unblinking, soft-footed figure of weirdness who can follow you halfway around the castle before you notice her. So it's like "WHOA WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?"

She's also stupidly loyal to all the girls of Slytherin (and, by extension, some of the boys). She'll beat up whoever needs to be beat up, she'll argue and call Gryffindors stupid-heads, etc. She's failing like, ALL her classes, so if someone could set her up with tutoring (that won't work) it would be hilariously great. Umm... what else. I DON'T KNOW. PLAY WITH HER, SHE'LL BE FUN. She needs plenty of friends and acquaintances and people she's probably bullied. Because she's a huge bully, just saying. MUGGLEBORNS BEWARE.

As always, butternutcrack (soon to be thesohodoll) for plotting and things! Enjoy. ♥

ETA: MAJOR EDIT: SO. We re-welcome Patricia with Cynthia Jugson. Good lord, we're all doomed. "Hide your kids, hide your wife and hide your husband,too, cause they're rapin' errbody out here!" dfglkdfhgkdfgh HAAHAHHAHA. I LOVE YOU GUYS. but um, it's true D: