October 8th, 2010

[info]runicbabble in [info]darkmarkooc

And let's have a whaaaaaat moment because didn't Lauren just bring in Penelope Bell? I couldn't help it - I realized how completely awesome it would be to use Weisz as the runes professor with icons of her reading hieroglyphs from the Mummy movies. And I can read hieroglyphs, so if anyone wants their character to get cool letters with middle Egyptian writing on them it's totally doable.

Anyway.... this is Professor Bathsheda Babbling, known to her friends as Seda (like I was going to let the poor woman go around being called Bathsheda all the time). She's the Ancient Runes professor here and has been for several years now. Prior to that she spent over five years in Egypt working alongside Gringotts curse-breakers as a translator. Professor Babbling is a half-blood Ravenclaw graduate who will not tolerate bigotry, talking in class, or lazy students so don't even think about turning in your homework late. She does love teaching, though, and cares about the students very much.

You can read her full profile here if you'd like. I think she would definitely have a few favorite students who are particularly interested in Ancient Runes, so if anyone's interested in that let me know. She could also have students who want extra help, other professors as friends or anything, really.

EDIT: I also want to note that NO, I will NOT be putting up icons of Rachel Weisz (Professor Babbling) in a skimpy Egyptian princess costume. That is all.

[info]pking in [info]darkmarkooc

Hey guys! I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to be MIA for the next day or so. Usually that wouldn't warrant a post but this place moves so fast, and I've got four here, so I just wanted to let you all know I wont be around! I'm heading to ORLANDO tomorrow (WOO WIZARDING WORLD OF HARRY POTTER FINALLY AND HALLOWEEN HORROR NIGHTS) and I'll be gone all day and possibly sleeping all Sunday, and tonight is just craaazay! So I'll hopefully be back Sunday night/Monday morning!

Thanks guys!
-Katie (Phoebe/Alecto/Amos/Emily)

[info]siriuss in [info]darkmarkooc

Thanksgiving this weekend! I'll be at my cottage and probably not around. I might tether from Cam's phone and I'll be here first - but we'll see.

Katie, is it alright to just say Sirius and Phoebe's date happened and it was nice?

[info]racethewind in [info]darkmarkooc

So, I suppose it's safe to say I love this game? (After two days- oh my.) Anyway. This is Jeanne, here with Flying Coach & Quidditch Head/Referee Rolanda Hooch. (Other Professors or those who would call her by her first name, call her Ro. She doesn't really use her full name. Students, of course, call her Madam Hooch.)

As is to be expected, to say she likes quidditch would be a horrible understatement. Once upon a time she played for the Kenmare Kestrels, where she had the dubious reputation of a raucous party girl. After an injury in the 1970 World Cup tournament, however, she was "grounded" for several months and dropped from her team. Though she never thought to be a teacher, she took the position at Hogwarts as a second chance to fly again. (She started in 1971, so if I have my math right, sixth years- she taught you to fly!)

First years are pretty much the bane of her existance, but once the kids know what they're doing and can actually hold their own on a broom, she doesn't mind them so much. She doesn't always buy into the whole "professors as role-models" thing- she'd probably be more likely to offer a student firewhiskey if they were having a bad day. ;)

You can find me via email (serdaigle-at-gmail)! ♥

[info]pentameter in [info]darkmarkooc

Hi! This is Kristy (Bella, Aidan, & Theo) with an adult to shake things up a bit!

This is Charlotte Blaire. And I am not feeling particularly detail-oriented right this second, so you lovers get bullet-points. )

Her info is here and you can catch me on AIM. ♥

[info]teddybeardoctor in [info]darkmarkooc

ohai guys!

Hey guys! This is Brandi (Mary/Septima/Will) with character number four! :D

This here is Dr Theodore Orsini. Orsini is Italian and means "little bear." So he's a Teddy Bear. And that's very descriptive of who he is. Don't be fooled by how freaking HUGE this guy is, or the tattoos, or anything like that. He's a marshmallow on the inside. A big cuddly teddy bear. Just don't make him mad: he's not afraid of using his size to his advantage when pushed.

He's a Hufflepuff class of 1956, and was a Beater on the Quidditch team. After school, he went to university and worked his way through degrees until he got a doctorate in psychology, then began working as an adolescent psychiatrist. He married his childhood sweetheart in 1963, had a daughter in 1969, and was widowed in 1971 when his wife died in a car accident (on her way home from a doctor's appointment, where she was confirmed to be two months pregnant with their second child). His daughter Milena (Mia) is his life.

And tomorrow, he becomes Hogwarts' newest staff member in a brand spanking new position: Hogwarts Psychiatrist. Or Counselor if you prefer that. That's right, Female Professor Kent, you don't have to try to shrink your students' heads anymore, Dumbles has called in a pro so you can kick back and just worry about teaching and being Head of House. And all the other teachers who have been acting as shrinks for the kids, you can start sending them Teddy's way. He has candy (wizarding and muggle kind both)! And a nice comfy couch for you to lounge out on and just talk your heart out. He'll just sit and listen and dole out advice if you need it.

His full bio is here for your perusal! His first entry will go up shortly with his office hours (he has a seven-year-old daughter, he won't be at the school 24-7!) and his introduction of himself to the students.

Uhm. Teachers, anyone went to school with him or anything? Kids ... he'll meet you all in a bit, I guess. xD But is anyone forseeing their character being a regular visitor of his or anything? Anyone SO NOT GOING TO GO?

YAY MORE ADULTS! :D (Also, I swear I'll go comment on other people's intro posts, too!)

[info]gallantbones in [info]darkmarkooc


Hi everybody.

Newb-flesh here! I'm Steve, and I bring you the even hand of Edgar Bones. He's a very cool guy, so check up on him sometime. His bios pretty complete. I'm hoping to get him dragged into plotty goodness here pretty quick.

If y'all don't know much about Edgar canonically, he becomes one of the Order of the Phoenix so he is likely tied in with you proto-Order types! So he'll be popping up here and there for some friendy bonding stuff.

And of course he is the older brother to one Ms. Amelia Bones. Other than that I've written in that he has an apparent deep respect for one Arthur Weasley, so much that he belays his fancying of Molly Prewett to the 'better man.'