September 29th, 2010

[info]studyofmuggles in [info]darkmarkooc

Hi there! Again! :D It's Patricia, and I'm bringing Andrew Kent. He's an OC Professor of Muggle Studies, a complete little nerd-thing. He wants to change the world and start a revolution of muggle-lovin' because he's a muggleborn and really into free rights for all. He's married to a yet-to-be-accepted wife, and has a son named Cillian. He lives in the village, technically, but is back and forth between there and the school. He's hopelessly devoted to his students, and will do anything for them. Like, legit.

ANYWAY THAT IS ALL AS I AM TIRED RIGHT NOW. All I basically need at this point is students, kids who hate him for being muggle, and possible enemies, idk? A few adult friends soon would be great! Adults represent, wudup.

[info]jjclarke in [info]darkmarkooc

This is Margaret with a fourth (two boys, two girls - an even playing field), but... probably not a final.

You're looking at John (CALLED JACK) Clarke. He is the final dorm mate of the Marauders'~
That means he is a sixth year Gryffindor with a loyal streak who is just coming out of his youthful, arrogant days. His mother died this past summer so you can expect that he is a little more mellow than he would have been last year, but he is still a very lively young chap. You can expect he'll need friends and enemies (he's a Half-blood).

Everything is in his bio... Let me know!