September 27th, 2010

[info]crouchingsnake in [info]darkmarkooc

Hey all! Sooooooo, I'm tired because of my stupid occupational hazards class/workshop thing I did today, and I don't really feel like writing the narrative with Barty doing it all by himself, so I'm going to be a lazy ass and just summarize here, mmkay?

I'm a twisted, morbid individual, so Barty got really bored tonight and decided to go entertain himself with a bout of random violence and destruction. Those of you who were in the last game may remember this scenario: He decided to go ransack the owlery. Basically, this means that he went it in the dead of the night and blasted up the place, killing any owls in sight. Lots of school owls are dead, along with students' owls, but I'm sure plenty of them could have been out hunting or making deliveries too, if you'd rather. As before, it's completely up to the player whether or not your char's owl was there or not, so feel free to play with it and do whatever you like. ^__^ Enjoy!