September 16th, 2010

[info]iluvicecream in [info]darkmarkooc

Hey all! Erin again. I'm back with my fourth boy, because I'm sadly addicted to this game.

Anyhow, everyone meet Florean! He grows up to be everyone's favourite purveyor of ice cream on Diagon Alley, but right now he's a fifth year Ravenclaw. He is a full-blood (not to be confused with a pureblood, cause he's not) and he is very sweet and very friendly. So long as you aren't actively cruel to him or people he cares about, then he will be nice to you. So, a quick rundown on basic stuff to know about him:

-He loves watching Quidditch (Go Arrows!), but can't play to save his life
-He spends probably too much time thinking of, experimenting on and testing out various ice cream flavours
-He loves to read, but at his own pace, which doesn't always quite match up to what's going on in his classes
-He's gay and, while not shouting it from the mountain tops, most people probably already know. He gets bullied about this rather a lot
-He's got Seer powers and is actually registered at the Ministry. He gets really vivid dreams sometimes that come true, and occasionally even has flashes when he's awake. He doesn't like having this ability and doesn't like talking about it. Close-ish friends would know, but probably not any one else. Yet. ;p

So, plotting, friends, enemies, bullies, so on and so forth! As ever, I'm open to pretty much anything!

Erin (Doc/Ralph/Barty/Florean) - AgentOOAwesome

[info]accarrow in [info]darkmarkooc

i just had to share this..

This made me laugh so hard and I figured it was appropriate, so I'm just sharing it for the LOLZ )

[info]takemyrvolution in [info]darkmarkooc

So friendly reminder.

We still have openings in the game! )

And now our MASHes, part II )