September 13th, 2010

[info]passagressiva in [info]darkmarkooc

ohai! again!

Hi guys! This is Brandi, here with character numero two. I decided that I really needed a happy-person character to counteract Mary, so ... I did just that. xD

THIS IS SEPTIMA VECTOR. SHE IS AWESOME. AND IF YOU CALL HER SEPTIMA, SHE WILL KILL YOU. Actually, it's more likely that she will pretend that you do not exist at all than actually kill you. She's really good at the silent treatment. Vee (as she MUCH prefers to be called) is friendly, cheerful, and always has a lollipop on hand to offer you to cheer you up. Seriously, she'll go "don't be sad! Here, have a lolly!" and provide you with one. Girl is addicted to sugar, trufax, especially in lollipop form. BUT. She can also be a massively passive-aggressive bitch if you piss her off. SO BEWARE.

She's also hella ambitious, and ambitious men are a massive turn-on to her: tell her that you aspire to be the Minister for Magic, and she will probably jump your bones RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW. (That said, she needs ex-flings: unambitious blokes need not apply.) She's also a pureblood, but she is positively FASCINATED by muggles and their science and technology. So, uh. Muggleborns ... she'll probably pepper you with annoying questions about what it's like to be a muggle. And in addition to being MASSIVELY GEEKY, she is also MASSIVELY GIRLY. And probably won't hesitate to tell you that your shoes totally don't go with your outfit.

Moar info on her here! She needs friends, enemies, frenemies, exes, future flings, etc etc.

[info]wizzie in [info]darkmarkooc

Good evening, infidels. It is Margaret - again. I want to briefly reintroduce myself, and maybe make some small excuses as to why I have been absent (more or less) these past few days. I have been sick. Sick and studying; and then there was this cat, stuck in a tree, he had a cold and I had to bring him Kleenex.... I mean, it makes sense, right? Well, the part about me being sick was true. So if I missed any characters and their introduction posts then feel free to post lines for Elizabeth Golstein (who is about to be introduced) as well as Ares Nott. I cater to all plot.

Living up to my previous promise, let me push Elizabeth Goldstein into the spotlight as the newest addition to the Dark Mark Rising family. (This is her second appearance, but we are very excited to be back.) She is a seventh year Ravenclaw with a past that is kept quiet, but only because she would much rather listen and lend a shoulder than spill her innermost workings. Any and all of her peers are welcome to turn to her for advice or companionship. Liz is a friendly girl. Oh, and a member of the Quidditch team.

There are a ton of connections that can be made here so do not be afraid. I would love any and all lines for her. If you are lacking in time now then you can always feel free to IM me at disco massacres or send an e-mail my way at