September 9th, 2010

[info]darkmarks in [info]darkmarkooc

Looks like I picked the perfect day to pick up the eldest Black sister! Yay timing! Seriously, though. Drama is drama is drama.

That said, hiiii. I'm Kristy. I know a ton of you from the first incarnation/other places. DMR is so easygoing and relaxed, so I figured I'd give it a go with a different person. I haven't played school-aged Bella in so long, and my goal was to experiment a little with her, so luckily the loose canon in this game will let me do so. ;)

This is Bellatrix Black (or my version of her). She's a Slytherin 7th year and Head Girl. Personality-wise, Bella straddles a razor thin line between completely apathetic and utterly psychotic. Generally, she'll be calm and collected (though her words will undoubtedly be subtly sarcastic and often very cruel), but her temper will flare on occasion. In those instances, look out. Bellatrix is positively obsessed with Voldemort and lives her life the way that she thinks he'd want her to. She'll always capitalize any mention of him out of reverence and love. Following her loyalty to him, she is devoted to the Black family name. Note that I only said the name. After someone (like Sirius, for example) brings shame to the Black name, she writes them off completely and tosses them among the undeserving masses.

Bella is very unforgiving and quite untrustworthy in any cases beyond those concerning Voldemort or her family. She is very selfish and doesn't bother herself with the feelings of others, but she is also very manipulative and persuasive. She also won't be the type to outwardly mention "mudbloods" or other various insults in normal conversation, but you'll certainly know what she's thinking by the way that she speaks.

Ummm... that might be it. IDK, I just got home from school and I'm tired as fuck. Most of you know how to get in touch with me, but I'll say that I honestly very rarely get on AIM anymore. So you might see me on, and catch me if you do! Otherwise, e-mail is probably your best bet. Or you can comment on Bella's profile entry and I'll get it that way. EITHER WAY.

Oooh, alsooo I know that I have like... no icons right now. One of my iconmaker bffs is making a huge set of Alexandra soon, so it won't be for long!

OH HEY: Assuming that Head Boy/Girl/Prefects can take and give points, it's worth noting that Bella has no trouble taking them from her own house and will do so as evenly as she does from the others. However, she is extremely gifted at finding reasons to give them back to her fellow Slytherins. ;)

Love, love.

[info]emwilkes in [info]darkmarkooc


As some of you may know I'm Tracey ([info]euphorique) and I'm here with the one and only Emmy Wilkes!!!!

About Emmy:
  • there are some general rules to how her mind works. OF COURSE however, there are exceptions. I'd love for Emmy to have a friend who is a muggleborn, to give her something to fuck with her bred-in values, etc etc:
    • if you're a 'mudblood' -- she will pretty much ignore you. probably if forced to interact she will be polite but cold. you're considered 'beneath' her so she's not going to waste her time
    • if you're a mudblood lover -- she'll treat you better, but don't expect to be friends
    • if you're a slytherin &/or a future Dark Lord inner circle member -- CONGRATS, you're one of the few she considers a friend
    • if you're someone who dislikes and openly ridicules/hurts/threatens any of the people who fall under the above bullet point -- expect cold, hard vengeance. Like a knife on your pillow one night, or something. Bitch doesn't play.
    • if you don't fit in the above categories-- unless given a reason, she's going to work her charm like a hooker working her corner (too much? Sorry)
  • she hates blood
  • she lacks empathy for any sort of pain--emotional or physical. Unless you're Evan or someone else similarly close to her, don't expect a shoulder to cry on, or even a bandaid if you get hurt.
  • she has an abusive father (but VERY FEW people know this. If your character knows this, it should be something we talked about &/or they should be an upper class purist Slytherin who has heard it somehow through the grapevine)
  • she's almost sickeningly ambitious...but not for prestige, just power. she's fine being in the background as long as she's helping pull the strings

SO!!!!! Backstory please please please please???? Enemies? Friends? Ex-lovers? Future lovers? Maybe some unrequited love interests (going either way)! A good bickering partner?

I love you allllllllllll I can't wait to play this game!!

[info]cameronsiiings in [info]darkmarkooc

Yo. I have yet to introduce myself, but I think I will do so now. This is Cameron Kerrigan. His history isn't complete, but I have faith enough in myself to get it done at some point. Therefore, I think you will like to play with him now.

My Preciousssssssssss )