Darkest Secrets - a Future Era Harry Potter RPG's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Darkest Secrets - a Future Era Harry Potter RPG

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[14 Feb 2008|12:40pm]

part 3 )

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[14 Feb 2008|12:41pm]

part 2 )

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[14 Feb 2008|12:42pm]
WHO sage goyle & westly nott
WHAT westly comes to find sage and things happen.
WHERE hallway & sage's dormitory
WHEN february 14th
WARNINGS angst!smut!sex!fluff!sex, rimming, guy/guy snogging/kissing
STATUS complete/log ;; ~45,000
RATING nc-17

show me the meaning of being lonely // so many words for the broken heart // it's hard to see in a crimson love so hard to breathe walk with me // and maybe nights of light so soon become // wild and free I could feel the sun )

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[14 Feb 2008|07:30pm]
Who:Tara Nott and Phoenix Malfoy
Where:The Slytherin Common Room, then where ever they decide to walk
Why:Because she told him to lol
Thread:Closed and in progress

It had only given him a mild surprise to get the owl from Tara. It wasn't that he thought his absence had gone unnoticed, more like he thought it would have gone unsaid. Nevertheless, Phoenix toed his trainers back on and found his leather jacket, pulling it on with a little smirk. A little stroll about wouldn't kill him and it certainly wouldn't kill him to be accompanied by someone as lovely as Tara Nott. Checking the watch at his wrist absently, Phoenix took from his dorm and down the hall to the common room.

It didn't look like she was here yet, then again looks could be decieving. blue eyes flitting about for a moment, Phoenix leaned back against the wall behind him, arms folded over his chest while he waited for her to appear.
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VALENTINE'S DAY BALL [14 Feb 2008|08:24pm]
Alright, this thread will be for anything and everything to do with the Valentine's Day Ball! Make all your posts within this thread. You can start out at the dance, dorm rooms or whatever you wish!!

Who: Everyone!
When: Valentine's day. I'll keep this thread open until you are all done posting
Where: The dorm rooms, Great Hall, wherever!
Why: It's the holiday!
Rating: Anything goes!
Thread: OPEN!
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