Darkest Secrets - a Future Era Harry Potter RPG's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Darkest Secrets - a Future Era Harry Potter RPG

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[12 Jan 2008|12:58pm]
Who: Juliet and Rose Weasley
When: Saturday morning
Where: The 6th year Gryffindor girl's dorms
Why: They are close cousins as well as friends and they need to chat!
Rating: PG I am assuming
Thread: In progress and only open to Rosie and Jules!!

The sun is shining every day, clouds never get in the way for you and me )
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[12 Jan 2008|03:59pm]
Who: Jasmine Goyle & Cyrille Urquhart
When: Saturday
Where: The school then Hogsmeade
Why: They have a date
Rating: PG-13?
Thread: In progress and only open to Cy and Jazz

I wanna paint the town with you, and tickle you until you scream. I wanna fall in love with you )
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[12 Jan 2008|05:24pm]
Who; Westly & Sage
What; Sage oversleeps, Westly wakes him up and finds out something surprising and they go to Hogsmeade with Westly blissfully unaware that Sage is courting him and chats about his date with another woman making Sage sad.
When; Morning
Where; Everywhere
Rating; PG-13 most likely


Sage overslept and is sleeping right now.
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