Darkest Secrets - a Future Era Harry Potter RPG's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Darkest Secrets - a Future Era Harry Potter RPG

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[11 Jan 2008|01:44pm]
Who:Fiona McLaggen and Casey Longbottom
Where:The Ravenclaw Common Room
When:Around six when everyone else is at dinner
Thread:C for CUTE

Dinner for two )
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[11 Jan 2008|02:01pm]
Who: Serenity and Tarrant
Where:The Hufflepuff Commonroom
Thread:TBD cos I dunno with Tarrant lol

This and That )
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[11 Jan 2008|02:43pm]
Who: Phoenix Malfoy, Caleb Wood and Juliet Weasley
When: Friday evening
Where: The Room of Requirement
Why: To talk
Rating: PG-13 I am assuming
Thread: In progress and only open to Jules, Caleb and Phoenix

I just felt like I needed to see you again... )
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[11 Jan 2008|02:55pm]
Who Jasmine Goyle & Cyrille Urquhart
Where Room of Requirement
Why She needs a friend. Cy's a friend.
When After this
Rating Not high but TBD
Status Open to Jasmine and Cy only. COMPLETE.

I wanna be there for you, Someone you can come to, Runs deeper than my bones, I wanna be there for you )
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[11 Jan 2008|03:45pm]
Who:Patrick and Cyle Weasley (Other Weasley types welcome)
Where:St. Mungo's
When:Around two
Thread:Likely PG+ish for language

I severely hate hospitals... )
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[11 Jan 2008|06:44pm]
WHO Stefan Baddock & Dallas Whitby
WHERE Hogsmeade
WHEN Today around 2 pm.
WHY Dallas promised to give Stefan a kiss.
RATING/STATUS TBD, open to the charries above only.

She likes the way it hits her lips. )
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[11 Jan 2008|08:11pm]
WHO Serenity Horton, Montague Pucey, Mirella Thomas, Brooklyn Flint, Akira Krum, Juliet Weasley and Zara Flint.
WHAT Snow ball fight
WHEN today around 4 pm.
WHERE The grounds of Hogwarts
WHY It's a school wide snow ball fight!
[p.s. this means you should join. XD!]

It's not over. )
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