Posts Tagged: '%2Alara'

Feb. 13th, 2014



[No Subject]

Hello, my glorious DLians! I am STILL working on my character list (which is here) and adding NPCs. So many of my characters make up entire families so I had to bring them all over even if I won't be focusing on them much.

I am still deciding on Lavannah, Gavin, Ethan, Kali and Patrick. I think a few others too. Let me know if you especially want to do things with the above. If not I'll come up with something ;)

Meanwhile, I know the friending code isn't up to date exactly because everyone is still getting journals together and deciding who to bring, but I am going to post a few journal entries anyway. Just to work on voices and the like! So check the flist if you want to. If not...don't! It's mostly for my benefit.


Feb. 15th, 2012



[No Subject]


This is exciting as it has been the reason I haven't done anything so far.

SO when I finish, does anyone want to write anything?

Jan. 4th, 2012



*spams OOC*

I am trying to decide whether or not to put Fiona on my NPC journal. If I do,I feel I should include Pierre, but he's Lewi's and I don't really wanna write him unless people want him here. Does anyone want them around, or should I send them off to live in the country somewhere together? If I send them away, D can move into the basement (It has a separate nursery) and someone else can move into her master bedroom at Vic Lane!




[No Subject]

SOMEONE MAKE MY JOURNALS FOR ME! I keep putting it off because I'm sleepy ;) I think though I will concentrate on my NPC journal so I can reply to Siobhan. And then worry about the others.

I hate making journals. So tedious, Christ. BUT my family is gone now (except my parents) so I have less distractions. I hadn't checked my email for days there. I had like 250 emails. SCARY! which I mean, HI I am still organising things, I'm just taking my sweet ass lazy face time!

EDIT: And I made it so all users can make new tags. So I can delete that tag entry!

EDIT 2: My general NPC journal is [info]darkerartemis I shall now go about uploading pics to all the NPC journals so I can use the bloody things!

Dec. 28th, 2011



[No Subject]

I have sort of edited the Userinfo page for Darkest London and replaced some of the old links with new ones. BUT I was thinking we could probably leave the supernatural rules over on LJ UNLESS someone wants to make new pretty pages for them and update them. Then we can fix the links. But it's up to you guys!

This move is actually making me feel so much better. I think the characters I wasn't using were actually weighing me down. Not having them here is actually awesome.


Dec. 27th, 2011



[No Subject]

I am getting stuff sorted! I am going to use [info]hereprophetslie for Noah but I have to get rid of the other stuff on there first ;)

So so far I have:

Peter - [info]father_peter
Deirdre - [info]ghostmusic
Thomas - [info]suave_thomas
Flynn - [info]myeyesarehollow
Quinn - [info]quinntaessentia
Eamon - [info]odd_symmetry
Patrick - [info]muted_symphony
Serenity - [info]rubyredstained
Tallulah - [info]ophicleide
Kat - [info]angels_facade

Then I got tired. But I AM making Razvan, Julian and Joe soon too. And maybe more but I don't know. I think Hucklebatch will be an NPC. And probably Godric too.

I have some NPC journals [info]the_littletons which will house Spectre, Mad Dog, Lavinia, Eleanor, Adam, Felix and probably Mara and Stuart. I can't decide if Abby will have her own journal. Shhh.

[info]rm_memorial is the hospital one. It has Katia, Svetlana, Darren, Evan, Bentley, Paige, Nicholas and Niles. And probably more, but I can't think right now.

Also [info]the_kemps which will house Aly since I never use her journal anymore. Lydia and Anna will be here unless Alison brings Kismet and then Lydia can have her own journal. This is also where the Kempf family will go. And Liz and Emma. And probably Johan because I love him.

I'll do more tomorrow. So tired. If anyone specifically wants anyone I haven't talked about let me know!

Dec. 26th, 2011



[No Subject]


This is our IJ home. I will move all the official stuff over when I am not doing Christmas with the fam. So sometime in the next few days. And I will add you guys as a mod too so you can approve your own journals. otherwise. ANNOYING. I just realised the friending buttons here will make that so much easier too OH HO HO it will!

And Merry Christmas, guys. I love you to bits!