Advertise your dark role playing games here. - August 27th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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August 27th, 2012

[Aug. 27th, 2012|03:09 am]




MODS  •  RPG  •  OOC


Characters + Holds
Wanted Characters
In recent months, twenty-six volunteers were selected to take part in a social experiment. They would give up one year of their life, to science. Upon completing the experiment, they would be rewarded handsomely.

For one year, they would disappear from their lives. They would tell family, work, and friends only that they were going on a Pilgrimage, and they would be gone for one year. On December 31st, 2013, they would leave their lives, and be taken to a secret place referred to only as The Compound. A large block of property and a mansion completely blocked off and barricaded away from the outside world.

No phones, no cellphones. No television, no radio. No newspapers. No letters. And no leaving, for one year. Just twenty-six very different individuals, all selected for very different reasons, living together, no matter what. Could you do it? It seemed very simple, at the time. Everything they needed would be provided... all they had to do was give up a year, and get used to hidden cameras over their shoulders. It would be worth it.

What they weren't told was that it would be a simple social observation. It would be a study, not only of how strangers would adapt to their surroundings and live together, but of how different people would react to various stimuli – including the occasional stressful situation.

Everything starts off fine and dandy. The days go by, and just as everyone is starting to get comfortable, that's when weird things begin to happen. Subtle changes, at first. For several days, the temperature in the house cannot be controlled, leaving parts of the house at sky-high temperatures. Then nothing. Then it seems like in the middle of the night, walls and hallways are changing, revealing rooms that no one seems to remember.

No power or electricity for a week. Having your inner-most secrets exposed the next. Waking up one morning to find one of your housemates - maybe one of your new friends - has been removed, and replaced. And then you discover that perhaps the lot of you aren't so random at all. It seems, that each and every one of you is somehow connected...

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[Aug. 27th, 2012|10:35 am]
Love In the Dark: Slash only

My character is a PB (Kaoru Niikura), but yours is a Celeb (preferably Christian Bale, Jared Leto or Brian Haner, Jr.). My character is a Vampire, where yours is not - obviously. The SL idea is pretty simple - let's have them meet. My character will be rather taken by yours, and I can guarantee some random eccentricities if you're interested. The idea is to form a relationship, so let's go into the SL with an open-mind and AU possibilities, obviously.

Email threads only. And someone who isn't going to die off because of my RL commitments. <3

Comments screened.

PS- Check the journal.
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[Aug. 27th, 2012|10:43 am]



Rules & FAQ
Taken & Held
Character Directory
The Ship
January 1, 2641 was not just another New Year for the inhabitants of Earth. It was the beginning of a new way of life for a particular group of men. They arrived at their agreement on the mission through different ways, but the end result was the same. The Male Society Expedition began its new life on the Maiden Voyage of Starship Uranus. A new look on society, with a new culture to build. A life without women. Some saw it as the perfect life.

Ten years have now passed, and the men of Uranus have settled into life in space, ever searching for a planet they can make their home. A planet to be their perfect utopia… using any means necessary to ensure the survival of their ideals.

U.M.S.E. is a Slash Only SciFi game set far into the future. With it taking place on a Starship, it leaves open many opportunities for interaction brought on by close quarters. We are a game focusing on how these men adjust to this new environment and situation, and the troubles that crop up when it is not so easy to hide from each other.


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[Aug. 27th, 2012|03:46 pm]


Welcome to West River City, Pennsylvania!
There have always been stories told and stories heard of things which go bump in the night. Once, such things were widely believed in. They were revered, feared and even hunted down. In our modern times, however - the fear of the night has become soaked in neon lights and a new world view. These days, most will tell you that these supernatural stories and creatures can't possibly exist; that logic and nature itself would not allow them to. However, logic and nature do not always agree with the contemporary view held by most of humanity. Whether in the darkness or in the light, humanity is not alone in the world. It never has been. Those stories? They're all true. The creatures spoken on are all still in the world. They live among humans: friends, neighbors, bosses, co-workers, lovers. They're sewn in to every little niche of human society; hiding and watching, pretending to be as average as the next person. Times are beginning to change, however. More and more strange occurrences have been documented all over the world. Most people tend to ignore these things, writing them off as freak accidents or natural disasters. Perhaps it is time to wake up those dreaming peaceful things to the nightmare of reality once more?



Creature FAQ

Game FAQ




Cast List

Mod Journal
Won't you be my neighbor?
Abolition is an Original Character RPG based in fictional West River City, Pennsylvania. This RPG will be focusing on the daily lives of humans and the various supernatural creatures hidden among them. We are looking forward to a diverse and unique cast, as well as to a friendly, creatively fulfilling and character-oriented atmosphere. While we will feature community wide plots from time to time, we welcome our writers to make their character's own fortune and fates in the world presented for them. Abolition will not be for the faint of heart, however. There will be darker themes explored within this community, so we ask that all of our writers are at least 18 years of age.
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