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March 4th, 2012

[Mar. 4th, 2012|11:55 am]

The Grand Design : In-Character : Out-Of-Character : Prayers : Random

Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. So goes the verse, Hebrews 13:2. Nowhere is this more true than in Boston, where the divine have come to walk amongst humankind. They say that angels are messengers, but we so rarely grasp the full wisdom of their words. They are growing ever more desperate for us to listen now, or else our ears may be courted by the tongues of serpents...

The Grand Design is a supernatural RPG with a theological twist. War is blossoming between Heaven and Hell, and those on Earth, human and supernatural alike, are trapped in the crossfire. We feature the option to choose your own race rather than select from a list, as well as creating original and canon angels, demons, hybrids, and mortals. Heaven and Hell are real, defined places that characters are allowed to visit (even after death!) and discover a richly-detailed universe with full lore. One may even pray to God or Satan. You never know... you may be answered.

Premise : Rules : Lore : Cast : Holds: Wanted

Join us and find your fate.

Vampires & Werewolves & Angels!

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Eidolon City [Mar. 4th, 2012|07:09 pm]

Characters Info FAQs Wanted Scenes

Nathaniel Konovich. Eighteen years old. Aspect of Romeo. But who knows how this story will end...

Born to a dancer with big ideas, he isn't a blood member of the Konovich family, but he's doing everything in his power to ensure that small issue is overlooked. After all, the Konovich name heads one of the most powerful crime families in Eidolon City, and Nate intends to have a piece of that.

For starters at least. And from there, well, ruling the entire city would be a good next step. After all, who needs two crime families, when things would run so much more smoothly with one. And given that his girlfriend happens to be Arienne Di Giovanni, youngest daughter of that other family, well all the better. And if blood has to run in the streets to accomplish it all. Nate's just fine with that.

He really likes blood...

Eidolon City: Where Stars Burn Bright.

That is, as long as you stay on the good side of certain people...

It's the 1940s and metal pipes rain down on innocent memorial goers as the foundations of a mob war is being laid. Romeo and Juliet are planning on taking over with Hermes guiding the way. Scarlet O'Hara is cleaning up the ruins of her fallen family to open up the hottest nightspot on the town. Snow White is being blackmailed and Lillith is your city coroner. This isn't your average noir game. Everyone is either a dreamer or a literary character but all are tied into the heart of the city.

Apply Today!

Premise Application Pre-Mades Eidolon City Trailer

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A HP Founders' Era RPG [Mar. 4th, 2012|11:06 pm]

taken | available | premise
rules | application | resources | info | FAQ
At the beginning...

These times are dark indeed. In the year 991, fear - of the unknown, untrusted, foreign - runs rampant through the newly-strung-together kingdoms of England. With the long-continued Danish raids and the burgeoning threat of Norman conquest, lives are expected to be both brutal and short. That's, of course, if you're not cut down by black magic first. To say that magic is feared is to drastically and dangerously understate. It's not simply feared. Rather it and its ilk are ruthlessly hunted down - those suspected of dabbling in such are barbarically put to death. Magic and all it encompasses is to be squashed out entirely.

There are survivors, however. There are those with magic in their veins who seek to change this dark and savage world into something better for themselves and others. There are those who seek to segregate themselves and their society, to push those of "thinner blood" back into their own cruel world of witch burnings, executions, and ransom. And, although none of them knows it yet, nor do they know much of each other, there are those who will, indeed, create something - someplace - that's never been seen and that will stand more than a thousand years to come.

But that light has yet to burn. Blackness still shrouds England, the only reprieve brought by the bright, ever-present flames of witch burnings.

rpg comm | mod journal | ooc comm
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[Mar. 4th, 2012|11:53 pm]

Welcome to Syncopation - an original character supernatural RPG of the ‘no frills’ variety. Syncopation is set in an unspecified American city where not everyone ticks the ‘human’ box on a rental application - and we need you, the dedicated RP’er, to help us balance out our girl/boy ratio!

We have got some fantastic male (and a few female) characters already and are so far very active, and we are looking for more female characters to help us build strong connections and intriguing plotlines. Our boys are waiting!!!

Both human and supernatural character applications are now open. GAME WIDE PLOT STARTING SOON! Be sure to check out our 'wanted' page for character suggestions.
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