Advertise your dark role playing games here. - February 7th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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February 7th, 2012

[Feb. 7th, 2012|11:06 am]



will YOU survive under the ground?
In 2010 it came for them... A virus that would leave 99% of the planet's population dead. For those who lived, it became survival of the fittest...
After a savage virus ravaged the earth, only the strong survived. Yet those that did survive found themselves changing and exhibiting traits they didn't have when the world was ... normal. In essence, the remaining people of planet earth became mutants – the scaled, the hairy and the blood thirsty.
Many moved underground, away from the damaged and scorched earth, taking refuge in the sewers and tunnels beneath the world's cities. There they found sanctity from the soldiers that were trying to wipe them out in order to cleanse the streets ready for resettlement.
One such settlement is in the London Underground. The survivors travel by any means possible to live there. Some have come from overseas, traveling on old ships. The old Tube stations have been transformed into dormitories or businesses and the vast network of tunnels, bunkers and stations gives the inhabitants ample room to hide from those who want to wipe them out.

Under the ground is a supernatural celebrity and pb survival game set in London. Slash/femme/het friendly. Opens at 10 applications.


premise | rules | holds | application | mod journal
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[Feb. 7th, 2012|11:19 am]

The Grand Design : In-Character : Out-Of-Character : Prayers : Random

Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. So goes the verse, Hebrews 13:2. Nowhere is this more true than in Boston, where the divine have come to walk amongst humankind. They say that angels are messengers, but we so rarely grasp the full wisdom of their words. They are growing ever more desperate for us to listen now, or else our ears may be courted by the tongues of serpents...

The Grand Design is a supernatural RPG with a theological twist. War is blossoming between Heaven and Hell, and those on Earth, human and supernatural alike, are trapped in the crossfire. We feature the option to choose your own race rather than select from a list, as well as creating original and canon angels, demons, hybrids, and mortals. Heaven and Hell are real, defined places that characters are allowed to visit (even after death!) and discover a richly-detailed universe with full lore. One may even pray to God or Satan. You never know... you may be answered.

Premise : Rules : Lore : Cast : Holds: Wanted

Join us and find your fate.


Vampires & Werewolves & Angels!

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