Advertise your dark role playing games here. - October 31st, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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October 31st, 2010

[Oct. 31st, 2010|08:25 am]

The time is 5 years after the defeat of Lord Voldemort. The year is 2003.

Six weeks ago, certain known followers of Voldemort broke into the Ministry of Magic and attempted to use the Veil in the Department of Mysteries to bring their fallen Dark Lord back to life. Amycus Carrow, after years of searching the Forbidden Forest, finally found the Resurrection Stone. After trying dozens of unsuccessful ways to resurrect the dead, he figured if he tossed it into the mysterious Veil, the ones that wandered beyond it would benefit from it's power and once again be alive and able to regain their lives in the Wizarding World. Little did he know, it would bring the elimination of 99.9% of people in the entire world.

When he tossed the stone into the Veil, nothing seemed to happen at first, but then, within a few minutes, a yellow fog emanated from the curtain. It was sparse at first, but grew thick and heavy in no time. As soon as the fog touched him, he vanished, as well as the people who were with him. They tried to run from it, but it was growing at such an alarming rate, it was unavoidable.

The fog grew bigger and moved faster as each second passed, and soon it took out the entire inhabitants of London, of England, The United Kingdom, Europe, America, Africa, everywhere. Both Muggles and the Wizarding folk were included in the now disappeared. Then, as quickly as the fog started, it began retreating, and within twelve hours from when it all started, it was gone, just like every living, breathing person in the world. Everyone was gone. Everyone, except for the fifty eight survivors. Animals were not affected by this virus.

As luck would have it, every witch or wizard who was apparating to or from London, at the exact time the viral fog was released, were not harmed. They were suspended in oblivion, or time, for the duration of the incident, and then, like nothing happened, arrived at their destination, unknowing of anything that had just occurred. They had no clue any time had lapsed. All of the buildings stood where they were, everything was in it's exact place, there were just no people around. It didn't take long for the survivors to figure out something catastrophic had happened.

Among the survivors was one Arthur Weasley, who will now be appointed Minister Of Magic. After he figured out something was terribly wrong when he arrived at the Ministry and was alone there, and searched the streets, his home in Ottery St. Catchpole and everywhere else he could think of. He then returned to the Ministry and used an advanced version of the Sonorus spell to make his voice loud enough for all survivors to hear, asking them all to send an owl with parchment, letting the Ministry know who was still out there and then to Immediately apparate to Hogwarts and stay there. He received 50 responses by owl and was happy to find out there were 7 others in the Ministry with him; Alecto Carrow, Aberforth Dumbledore, Rabastan Lestrange, Narcissa Malfoy, Mr. Ollivander, Rita Skeeter and Sybill Trelawney. These 8 make up the new Ministry of Magic, and will be making the rules for the surviving witches and wizards. The survivors are going to have to work on repopulating their world so they don't die out. They are going to be given two months to find themselves a suitable pairing and if one is not selected by the end of the time period, a mate will be chosen for them. They absolutely cannot leave Hogwarts. They are quarantined until further notice.

Wanted Characters

Everyone! Alecto Carrow, Mr. Ollivander, Rita Skeeter, Sybill Trelawney, Arthur Weasley, Aberforth Dumbledore, & All Survivors. We'll be opening as soon as we have 10 accepted characters!!

Useful Links

& Rules & Taken
Held PBs & Available

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In Darkness - A panfandom [Oct. 31st, 2010|09:02 am]



In Darkness




Character Directory
Player Directory

Most Wanted
Harry Potter

Severus Snape
Kaylee Frye
Albus S Potter
Becky Barnes
James S Potter
Al Dumbledore
Abe Dumbledore


Welcome to Algul Siento. It's much nicer than our previous location -- many of the people here will tell you that very thing. Granted, some of the newer residents have only ever known this place, but we like to hang onto some of our
guests longer than others.

If you haven't pieced it together yet, you've been kidnapped. Not for ransom or anything that someone else can exchange for your freedom, but for observation. We're curious to see how long it takes an ever-shifting group of strangers to find their way to freedom, or if they can at all. In the meantime, we'll be observing you as we perform a series of different experiments. You may be exposed to chemicals, smells, odd dreams, or other out of place things around the island. You may be placed under attack and made to defend yourself.

If we found any firearms in your home or room when we abducted you, they've been cleaned of ammunition and left in your nightstand drawer. Other items of interest we found were brought along and are in your room as well. If you are a person of talent or magic, you'll find that not all of your talents will work properly. Don't worry, this is completely normal for this situation.

We strongly advise against taking out your frustrations on the other residents. We also insist you exercise caution when venturing off the marked paths. There are dangers here we didn't see fit to remove for the duration of your stay.

If you have any questions, you may address us through the network, or speak to any of the other residents here.

Enjoy your stay!

The Heads

~ † ~

In Darkness is a moderately fast paced, thread-heavy, non-crack, plot-centric panfandom game. Most fandoms are welcome, and player input is invaluable. We're here to make a fun game for you guys, so we encourage people to suggest plots and collaborate on plot discussions.

We are writing-oriented and big fans of organic development between characters. We do have a minimum requirement of two threads per month. We offer group-wide plots bi-monthly and we have plots lined up through April with tons more waiting in the sidelines!

Open since June 13

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