Jun. 4th, 2007


FIC: Not Always the Bad Guy 1/1, FR13, Max/Alec

Title: Not Always the Bad Guy
Author: [info]aaronlisa
Rating: FR13
Pairing/Characters: Max/Alec, mention of Max/Logan
Disclaimer: Dark Angel belongs to James Cameron and company.
Word Count: 620
Notes: Set mid-Season Two.
Summary: Max starts to see Alec as something more than just a bad guy.

more? )


FIC: Resistance 1/1, FR13, Max/Alec

To get the ball rolling, I am going to post a fic.

Title: Resistance
Author: [info]aaronlisa
Rating: FR13
Pairing/Characters: Max/Alec
Disclaimer: Dark Angel belongs to James Cameron and company.
Word Count: 1019
Notes: Set after 2x11 “The Berrisford Agenda.”
Summary: Max goes into heat again.

Max was counting down the hours... )