Dark Christianity
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May 2008
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Ron Paul is a crypto-fascist Dominionist Christian theocrat.

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]gwilliama) I've been engaged in a few discussions on Livejournal in the past 48 hours or so. So, here's my argument, tear it up if you can.

First, please keep in mind that professional politicians are little different than stage magicians. They use misdirection, confidence schemes, and patter while performing sleights-of-hand and fooling you towards an end - they just play Three-Card-Monte with account ledgers and favours, and they saw the district in half instead of the lady. That said:

Ron Paul is a Dominionist Christian Theocrat. Here's Why.

First, he's a Texas Republican. I don't know if you have ever read the platform of the Texas Republican Party, but that right there should clinch my Entire Argument. Unless he explicitly counters a plank, he implicitly supports it, and the platform of the Texas Republican Party is the same platform that George Bush operated under in the 2000 campaign, and the 2000 administration.

Let's compare.

From Wikipedia, his political positions:

"Ron Paul supports free trade, tighter border security,"

Why? Because most illegal immigrants are Hispanic Catholics. Dominionist Christians are mostly white Protestants.

"gun ownership, a Constitutional amendment allowing voluntary and unofficial school prayer,[114]"

This is an empty gesture to Dominionist Christians, and paralells a recently-enacted Texas state law that is going to bring the Houston School District into direct opposition to a 40-year-old federal order issued to prevent them from using school functions and facilities to unconstitutionally push Protestant religion on school children.

School Children are already allowed to have voluntary and unofficial prayer in school. What they are NOT allowed to do is hijack school functions or taxpayer money to further their religious agenda.

Also, it opens the entire process of Amending the Constitution, wherein any properly submitted proposal has to be evaluated and debated and processed before they can close the issue of Amending the Constitution. I wonder what else will be proposed to be Amended?

"hard money such as the silver or gold standard,"

Now, as of 24 hours ago I didn't know how this fit into Dominionism. I just thought it was stupid. It is an attempt to stabilise a US economy that is pulling out of an international trade community. Currently international trade is regulated by an international body, and the dollar is pegged at five-year-intervals against the euro, yen, etcetera for the basis of large international trade. Dominionist Christians want the US to withdraw from the world scene - more on that later.

" and allowing workers to opt out of Social Security.[115] "

Little-known fact: When the Social Security act was first debated, a clause had to be included to ensure that SSNs were not used for personal identification. Why? Number-of-the-Beast hysteria. What are they used for now? Personal Identification.

"He is also an advocate of private property rights for pollution prevention,[116] "

From the breakdown page I linked to above,

"Deregulation - Adherents of Dominion Theology support deregulation of industry. They use terms such as "unfettered" or "unhampered" by regulation. The first three agencies listed in the above paragraph {the position of Surgeon General, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Departments of Energy,} are all regulatory agencies. The Texas GOP Platform calls for business to be "unencumbered by excessive government regulation.""

"habeas corpus for political detainees,[117] and greater ballot access,[118] He supports revising enforcement of the military "don't ask, don't tell" policy, which he calls "decent," to focus on behavior and include members with heterosexual as well as homosexual behavior issues.[119][120]"

Well, I can't argue with that, now can I? Wait, I can - Dominionist Christians are activist fascist theocratic Christians, and the "political detainees" currently being held are activist fascist theocratic Muslims. Surely we're not holding them just because they're Muslim, right?

The Dominionists are scared that the federal government will stop ignoring the small acts of terror they carry out, every year, on our soil - shooting doctors, bombing abortion clinics, beating wives, beating children within an inch of their lives, persecuting non-Dominionists - and that another President, one who isn't of their favourite flavour, will designate them as terrorists. Bye, Habeas Corpus. Bye, Liberties. Hello, inside of jail cell for remainder of life, as a political prisoner.

Ballot Access is, I think, another code word. I haven't researched that yet.

His stance on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" - I think that may be a throwaway.

"Paul supports substantial reduction of the role of the federal government in the lives of individuals and in the functions of foreign and domestic states."

As do Dominionist Christians, specifically because they want to undertake the process of Christianising the government.

"Paul is the only 2008 Republican presidential candidate to have voted against the Iraq War Resolution in 2002.[121][122] Paul voted for the Authorization for Use of Military Force in response to the September 11, 2001 attacks,[76] but suggested war alternatives including giving the president authority to grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal to target specific terrorists."

Wouldn't it be nice to give the President his own private squad of un-accountable assassins? There's even a TV show about it. On CBS.

" Paul opposes illegal immigration, birthright citizenship and amnesty."

Again, most natural-born citizens born to illegal immigrant parents? non-white Catholics.

" Paul also supports ending welfare benefits for illegal immigrants[123] and voted "yes" on the Secure Fence Act of 2006.


"Paul describes himself as pro-life and states that, for the most part, regulation must be handled at the state level until and unless the Constitution is amended.[124]"

When women's health regulation and abortion issues are handled at the state level, we have states banning or over-regulating services to the point that they are practically non-existent. He wants to neutralise Roe v. Wade - Dominionist ++.

"Paul opposes governmental use of torture,"

See above discussion of the alignment of activist fascist theocrats as political prisoners. They're scared.

"membership in NAFTA and the WTO, domestic surveillance, the draft, the income tax, a national ID card,"

These are because Dominionist Christians have Number-of-the-Beast hysteria. They oppose what they term the coming of a New World Order, because they see it as the work of Satan.

"the federal War on Drugs,"

Well, I can't argue that, here, without more research on why. Sounds like a project. Or it could be a throwaway to keep him apparently-libertarian-aligned. Wait - i have to think like a Dominionist Christian. Ah. Drugs are the tools of Satan.


I didn't actually think like a Dominionist, I looked it up on the preamble to the Texas Republican Party Platform

"federal regulation of marriage,"

Dominionist Christians want to enact legislation to create Covenant Marriages, which effectively make divorce impossible and make the wife effectively property of the husband. It would also make enforcing the Constitutional principle of equal-access-to-government-services-regardless-of-gender-or-sexual-orientation impossible to build upon to allow gay marriages. He's voted against allowing same-sex adoption. Dominionist Christian ++.

"foreign interventionism, and foreign aid. He advocates withdrawal from NATO and the United Nations for reasons of maintaining strong national sovereignty.[125][7] "

New World Order hysteria, once again. Dominionist Christians see NATO, the UN, and foregin interventionism as the work of Satan.

"Paul votes against most federal spending,[61] including an instance when he voted against funding same-sex adoption.[126] Paul supports elimination of most federal government agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security, FEMA, the IRS, NASA, DHHS and the Department of Education, calling them unnecessary bureacracies."

This is supposedly based on the idea that the Constitution does not give the federal government the ability to make these bureacracies. The Texas Republican Party Platform wants to get rid of those same bureacracies, too, including: "the position of Surgeon General, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Departments of Energy, Housing and Urban Development, Health and Human Services, Education, Commerce and Labor. We also call for the de-funding or abolition of the National Endowment for the Arts, and Public Broadcasting System."

Dominionist Christians oppose the surgeon general because of abortion and women's health rights. They oppose the EPA because Dominionism is based on the idea that G*d gave them the Earth to do with whatever they want. HUD is easy: It allows people access to cheap housing that's secular, free and clear of religous obligations. Dominionists believe that the poor exist to be converted by extending charity to them. Education: homeschooling and evolution and biblical literalism. Commerce and Labor: They're not happy with having to operate a parallel economy that prevents them from simultaneously having access to government funds and services and being able to discriminate against Non-Dominionist-Christians.

"Paul also opposes federal regulation of the Internet[127] and education.[128] "

Particularly because that would prevent Dominionist Christians from regulating education and attempting to censor the Internet.

"He advocates the gradual elimination of the Federal Reserve central bank, so that interest rates and money supply can be set by a free market which he believes would lead to less economic volatility, among other reasons.[129]"

Among other reasons, indeed.

Usually, in the case of tracking down where a politician's true allegiances lie, it's a case of Follow The Money. Well, the largest substantial portion of his campaign contributions are from private individuals, not from public organisations or corporations. So that doesn't help us.

What does help us is that he's associated with the Cato Institute, which has worked hand-in-hand (with a few spats) with Dominionists, and receives funding from the Castle Rock Foundation (formerly the Coors Foundation) - which is an explicitly Dominionist-oriented foundation, established and operated by a well-known Dominionist Christian.

To wrap up -

Ron Paul states that he is a libertarian. However, he is a Texas Republican, his stated platform is substantially the same as the Platform of the Republican Party of Texas, and the platform of the Republican Party of Texas is an explicit callout to Dominionist Christians. He's a member of a political party staffed and run by Dominionist Christians, running for their nomination for president.

He postures that he is about Freedom and the American Way. So does the Republican Party, in the same way - Freedom for them, to be Dominionist Christians, and hijack local and state government whenever and wherever possible.

Ron Paul explicitly wants to excuse the federal government - specifically, regulatory agencies and federal judges -  from interfering with their plans for hijacking state and local governments to their own ends - which is taking over the USA, bit by bit or all at once, to make it explicitly a Christian Nation.

x-posted to my own journal

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