Dark Christianity
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May 2008
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Gingrich says Falwell's followers are victims of the discrimination they promote against others

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]navytron89) From[info]americablog

Because there is never a shortage of hypocrisy among GOP leaders, Newt spoke about values this weekend at Falwell's college. Gingrich accused those who disagree with the theocrats of doing just what the theocrats are doing. Gingrich claimed that religious people were discriminated against in America. He said that at an institution whose leader, Jerry Falwell, took the lead in discriminating against other Americans. That's a strategic device used by the right wingers. They accuse others of doing exactly what they do. In reality, the theocrats are among the worst haters in America:
"In hostility to American history, the radical secularists insist that religious belief is inherently divisive," Gingrich said, deriding what he called the "contorted logic" and "false principles" of advocates of secularism in American society.

"Basic fairness demands that religious beliefs deserve a chance to be heard," he said during his 26-minute speech. "It is wrong to single out those who believe in God for discrimination. Yet, today, it is impossible to miss the discrimination against religious believers."
Basic fairness demands that religion not be used as a weapon against other Americans. And, it is wrong to single out anyone for discrimination. But that's what Falwell, Pat Robertson, James Dobson and Newt all do. Frank Rich summed up Falwell's legacy of hate in one well-written sentence:
Mr. Falwell was always on the wrong, intolerant side of history. He fought against the civil rights movement and ridiculed Desmond Tutu’s battle against apartheid years before calling AIDS the “wrath of a just God against homosexuals” and, in 1999, fingering the Antichrist as an unidentified contemporary Jew.
But, Falwell and his followers are the victims according to Gingrich. Newt's not just a notorious adulterer, he's a notorious panderer.

Ok and now for my comments: Why is Nitwit Gingrinch allowed in public? 

If  Falwell and his followers were victims, where is the evidence Newt? 

All I see is a bunch of hypocritical bastards who want to re-write America and the world in a so-called Christian place which has nothing to do with the teachings of a prophet who may or may not be the "Son of God".

These are people who demand blind obediance in the name of their "GOD" and will do anything including commit acts of violence to get their way. The values that they extoll are for a so-called fantasy realm called heaven, while pushing us away from the goodness of the here and now, by falsely sacrificing ourselves to a supernatural being who may or may not exist. 

If he does exist why does s/he/it leave us struggling to fight each other daily without a reasonable answer(s) or direction based on a doctrine of lies written by a bunch of dead priests who've exploited people through out history. 

No Newt; you're pandering to latest batch of fascist "christian" scum who are no better than the Nazis of WWII. So it tells us alot about your true character and the fact you'd make a deal with the most evil people in the world to win the Presidency and damn us all to a fascist republic which has nothing to do with Christianity or Jesus.     

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