Dark Christianity
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Back December 31st, 2006 Forward
dogemperor [userpic]
Food for Thought

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]tsukino_rei)

Has anyone ever concidered that if the Bible and consequently Revelations are entirely true, and if Dominionists succeed in their goal of placing Dominionist/Fundamentalist leadership and Dominionist/Fundamentalist principles and Dominionist/Fundamentalist Laws at the basis of every government on earth.... then Dominionist Christianity will be the one world religion fortold of and Dominionist Christianity will be the supporters of the Beast and bringers of the oppression fortold of?

Food for Thought

Current Mood: hungry
dogemperor [userpic]
Some Insane and Inane Ramblings

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]tsukino_rei)

((I originally posted this in my personal journal a couple of weeks ago. But I've been spending some time reading the DarkChristian community and have come to feel that this might be a safe place to share my thoughts. I really hope it's not offensive to anyone. Oh, I tend to ramble... and I may well have a teensy bit of bitterness that peeks out from time to time so I appologize in advance))

Well, hopefully my posts will come a little more frequently now. I've been feeling rather more communicative of late. =o)

More specifically, having spent quite some time torturing myself by tearing down and reforming my entire worldview in mental solitute I've rather come to terms with it all.

Putting it all into words would take more than a few posts. But I guess I want to start. This will be the first time I've told anyone other than Andrew, my beloved and supportive partner.

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Current Mood: contemplative
dogemperor [userpic]
My Extended Opinion (with an intention for shorter future posts)

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]tsukino_rei)

My last post may well have left the impression that I am anti-religion. I could certainly see how it might give that impression. But I'm really not.

Rather, I am anti-fear, anti-intollerance, and anti-ignorance. These three things, I beleive should ideally be separated and excluded from religion.

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Special thanks to the_paulr for showing me how to do the cut text thing so I don't maul you.

Back December 31st, 2006 Forward