Dark Christianity
.::: .::..:.::.:.
Back January 5th, 2005 Forward
dogemperor [userpic]
The Far Right's "Compassion Deficit"


I've been reading various rumblings around the Net- in both blogs and mainstream sources about the apparent 'compassion deficit' displayed by the Extreme Right in reaction to last week's tsunami disaster. Not all Christians are guilty of this- the moderates and non-Dominionists are pouring help and money into helping these people recover. But it's clear that the Dominionist dominated Right has a compassion deficit.

Here are some articles and excerpts that back that up. You can decide for yourself. Long, but very interesting post here... )

dogemperor [userpic]
Bible Quotes for the New Millennium


In this blog, Carol Wolman takes a critical look at the Religious Right and their hypocracy, and has the Scripture to prove it. Very interesting and insightful reading.


dogemperor [userpic]

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]autumnalshadow)

well, i'm new here, and posting the obligatory intro post. i'll keep it as short as possible. having grown up in thailand (my parents are missionaries) i am often incredibly disgusted by the insular attitudes, closed minds, and judgmentalism that so often come from americans in general and from the religious right in particular. thus, i was drawn to this website. i hope to be a reasonably productive member.

Back January 5th, 2005 Forward