Dark Christianity
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Back June 5th, 2003 Forward
dogemperor [userpic]
Test Post (for tinkering)


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dogemperor [userpic]
Why "Dark" Christianity?


Why "Dark" Christianity?

If one strips away the Paulist dogma, the twists and turns of the editing of the Bible, and concentrates solely on the words of Christ, Christianity roots demonstrate a benign, light-giving and loving faith. "Love one another" is the mainstay of Christ's teachings. Nothing more.

But of course, people couldn't leave it at that. Starting with Paul, working through the twists and turns of the Dark Ages, and down to the present day, Christ's simple message that we should treat each other decently has been totally eclipsed by dogma, demands and deterioration of the original message. The weight of two millennia of punditry has totally obscured and diluted the original message and intent of Christ. His voice and words are lost in the noise of all that has come after him.

That wouldn't be too bad- since this happens to every religion once its founder dies. The remaining people reshape the intent and message and it grows and changes as time passes. This is normal.

But there are facets of Christianity which have become malignant and malevolent. They have taken the words of Paul and his peers and have shaped them into a dogma that is not loving or tolerant, but instead seeks to destroy all other faiths and facets of Christianity other than its own. They claim to be benign, but on closer examination, it becomes clear that the intent of these small, but rapidly growing sects is total domination of the world.

Why this dominion? It is because they truly believe that everyone must believe in Christ before he will return.

The writers at jeremiahproject.com state their mission succinctly:

"Postmillennialists believe Christ will not come again until after there has been what Robert Bater of Queen's Theological College in Kingston, Ontario, calls "a holy utopia" - a Millennium that has been achieved on Earth by human means."

"Holy Utopia"…If that sounds scary to you, it should. Utopias generally do not permit any kind of dissent or nonparticipation. If you choose not to believe in what they preach, you are in big trouble.

What makes this normally minor sub-belief and sect of Christianity 'dark' is that there is a small, but growing group of powerful people who have the means to make this 'holy utopia' actually happen, starting with the Untied States. Little by little, they are dismantling the secular laws of this nation and replacing them with Biblically based laws. "Theonomy", the rule of law based on Old Testament scripture, is the legal goal of these believers. Little by little, law by law, they chip away at the foundation of the US, taking away rights here, giving privilege there, eroding the once firm barrier between church and state.

Call them the American Taliban, because their particular views are that extreme. If you want an example of a True Talib, look no further than our own Attorney General, John Ashcroft. His proposed amendment to the USA PATRIOT act is the stuff of nightmares for those of us who still think for ourselves.

Less threatening, but still alarming- is the cultic direction that some congregations take when they are too seperated from reality to find their way back. Spiritual abuse and financial and pastoral predation run rampant in these sects, and the damage they inflict on individual Christians is horrifying in its depth and extent.

So, the purpose of this site is to catalog and understand the theology, people and purpose of Dark Christianity- to shed light on it, as it were. Awareness of this growing malignancy in the Christian Church engenders the means to redirect its purpose to more benign ends. They do not serve the Almighty or Christ in attempting to dominate the country and the world. Instead they serve a darker master- themselves. In 'perfecting' the world for Christ's return, they demonstrate their lack of faith in the wisdom of Christ. And they also insult The Creator as well, because their idea of 'perfecting' the world is to destroy it.

Some perfection.


dogemperor [userpic]
Toxic prayer


Have you run into an instance where toxic prayer has been used on you? Have you had a frustrated prosetylizer tell you, "I'll pray for you," in that tone of voice?

And have you ever prayed for the downfall of another?

If you've experienced being on the wrong end of toxic prayer, what happened? Can prayer be a curse in disguise?


Current Mood: curious
Back June 5th, 2003 Forward