Dark Christianity
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May 2008
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Strange tactics of the pro-life movement


I am putting this behind a LJ cut so those of you who find this subject disturbing or enraging won't have to read it. I don't want this to turn into a pro/anti debate- this is simply an illustration of some of the tactics of "Dark Christianity".

I am a frequent reader of the "Brats" page where people who choose not to have children come to rant, vent, and generally get things off their chests. This is fine- although some of the rants are rather crude, mean-spirited, and obviously trolls. From time to time, I find real gems, or thought provoking links. Such was the case today.

Before I continue, I must tell you that I am very much pro-choice where women's lives are concerned. Women should have the unalienated right to choose whether to carry a pregnancy to term, or terminate if it is necessary. Period. Pro-choice includes the decision to bear children- it doesn't mean that we're a bunch of butchers, as the often hysterical pro-life movement propoganda often likes to say.

My belief in the soveriegnity of the female body is especially strong in cases of assault or incest. If a woman (or child) happens to be fertile at the time of the assault (and I consider incest an assault as shattering as rape), she should have the option of terminating the pregnancy there and then- no questions asked. In fact, the standard rape trauma kit of many non-Catholic hospitals includes emergency contraception that will terminate any implantation that may have occurred. End of story, right?

Wrong. The pro-lifers, always an interesting bunch, have found a new way to mess with these victim's minds. They conducted a statistically microscopic survey (192 women is not a statistically viable sample, people...) and decided that bringing the pregnancy to term would 'heal' the woman.

Excuse me? Heal?? How can one 'heal' with a constant reminder of a traumatic assault around? And what about the kid raped by her relative? How can that be 'healing'? Urgh... I feel nauseated.

But I am a glutton for punishment- I had to dig deeper. I realized that 192 people were not a real reason for all this sudden compassion- there had to be something else. A superficial examination of the homepage of the "Elliot Institute" reveals a sleek monolithic nonprofit, without any hint of its motivation. No 'mission statement', no graphical hints or Bible verses that might drive off the non-believer. Ah- clever, these folks. It took a page or three, but I finally hit the jackpot, and discovered the real reason why these folks want to save every kid they can: they believe that aborted fetii, denied baptism and the 'opportunity to become believers', somehow automatically become 'tools of Satan' who is apparently also active in politics and religion.


A quote if you don't believe me:

Aborted children have been deprived of baptism. They never had the opportunity to know or accept Christ as their Lord. How sure can we be that they are really in Heaven? Though seldom discussed, this is a theological question that is extremely important to the parents of aborted children and to pro-lifers in general. The answer to this question will shape how we view ourselves, others, and our priorities in the pro-life movement.
As previously discussed in this series of articles, a history of abortion can be a major stumbling block for women and men who turn back to God. At first, Satan will seek to deprive women and men the peace of God's forgiveness by aggravating their fear that God cannot forgive them.. If this temptation to despair fails, Satan will attack the repentant parent's peace of mind with the fear that even if God can forgive them, their aborted and unbaptized children have been deprived of Heaven.

This fear that unbaptized infants will be denied Heaven is also used by Satan to build a wall of separation and prejudice between pro- lifers and women and men with a history of abortion. Not a few Christians have coldly turned their backs on women and men who have had abortions, believing that by their sins they have forever deprived God of the souls of their unborn children. Such Christians do not wish these parents ill, but they cannot quite bring themselves to offer them comfort, either. Their hearts are simply so burdened with dismay over the "lost souls" of aborted children that they have no sympathy left over for their guilty parents. It is important for such believers to open their hearts to the possibility, or even the convincing evidence that God has saved the unborn victims of abortion.

So, it seems that saving the soul of the potential child is more important than the immediate welfare of the woman who has to bear the physical and economical and emotional burden of bearing it. No mention is made of adoption, and a token bone of 'compassion' is thrown at the unfortunate 'parents' who get poorly treated by their congregation if they dare mention that they terminated a pregnancy. (No mention of the vast majority of women needing abortion- underage teens, and single women- is made- only married women rate the token compassion meted out by these judgemental people.) And let's not even think about the feelings of non-Christian people here- to these folks, only their particular brand of salvation counts. Everyone else is hellbound.

So, here is the Christian Borg Collective at work: "You will be assimilated; resistance is futile." People can believe (or not) as they wish, but I am a firm believer in Heinlein's observation that 'one man's theology is another man's belly laugh'. Unfortunately, some beliefs are virulent, violent, and very dangerous if you happen to be female. These folks want everyone to believe as they do, do as they do, obey a poorly edited, 1800 year old text that was edited by grabby kings to become a means of social control. And they'll do everything they can to do this- including removing the rights of the female citizens of this country to terminate a pregnancy at will- and changing this democratic republic into a theonomic empire.

Dispair versus Hope
Victims and Victors
After Abortion website

Be afraid, folks...be very afraid- but be vigilant, and read every page created by these organizations- dig deep. They are wolves in sheeps' clothing. Their rabid desire to save potential souls from Satan's clutches eclipses any true compassion for the woman who happens to be bearing it. If that isn't totally twisted, I don't know what is. Compassion should never have any strings attached. If it does, it ceases to be genuine compassion, and is instead bald manipulaton and coercion of emotionally vulnerable people. What would Christ, who preached compassion for all regardless of their transgression, say about that, I wonder...


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