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General Fic: What If (Sally-Anne Perks) [03 Apr 2011|12:49am]
Title: What If ...
Characters: Sally-Anne Perks, with apperances by Hannah Abbott, Nathan NoLastName, Alexander Perks, and Oliver Wood, as well as mentions of Wayne Hopkins and Bailey Wood.
Setting: Early 2004 through December 2005
Word Count: 1570
Summary: What if Sally hadn't lost the baby? From the time she found out she was late until December 2005, her history has been rewritten to reflect how much her life is different. (Though the first four paragraphs are pretty much the same regardless.)
Rating: Um. No real language or naughty bits, so probably a G? I mean, heck, Disney gets a G rating with killing their main characters' parents, right? And it's not like anyone even dies here.
Author's Note: While thinking through some fics I still owe at [info]sixdegreesrpg, I was inspired to write a "What if" fic for Sally, changing one major piece of her history, to see what might have happened instead.

Sally was late. And not just a few days, as sometimes happened, but -really- late. )
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